Monday, February 13, 2012

Download Vampires Vs Zombies Full Crack

Pertama kali saya download nih game, kirain maenya kaya plant's vs zombie gitu, tapi ternyata bukan toh, game vampires vs zombies ini lebih mirip kaya farm frenzy, dimana kita akan di berikan misi, dan misinya itu cukup mudah kok, pokoknya nanti juga pasti bisa kalo udah maenin nih game, pokoknya kaya farm frenzy gitu tapi ini lebih seru loh jangan salah tanggep ya. nahh kebetulan belum lama ada salah seorang teman yang minta link downloadgame ini, kali ini saya akan share game ini di blog kotak belajar . memang rada gede si size nya tapi gpp deh toh juga bisa dimainkan kan. heheh.

Download Game

- part 1 (140MB) | password : - part 2 (112MB) *Jika link download di mediafire tidak muncul mohon di refresh .

Cara Install

- Download 2 part di atas - Join dengan HJ-split, baca tutorial HJ-Split - Ekstrack dengan winrar - Jalankan "vam vs zom.exe" untuk mulai install - Tunggu sampai selesai, siap dimainkan ...

ScreenShoot Game :

Semoga bermanfaat game komputernya ya ...

Download Game Roads Of Rome 3 Portable For PC

Windows 7 SP1 Media Refresh 13-in-1 /w EFI [DVD5]

Mengisi luang kosong gan, hehe kali ini saya akan share Windows 7 SP1 Media Refresh 13-in-1, didalam DVD windows 7 ini terdapat banyak versi windows 7 dari mulai windows 7 Starter sampai Windows 7 Ultimate x86 / X64 bit, jadi saat kita mau install kita tinggal memilih windows yang mau kita install.. enak kan ? :D.. Untuk link download saya kasih file torrent kenapa ? secara logika kecepatan download torrent memang kalah jauh dengan internet download manager,

Tetapi download lewat Torrent lebih banyak keunggulan, Dengan torrent kita bisa mendownload banyak file sekaligus, bahkan tanpa takut bila koneksi internet kita putus, atau komputer kita hang, File yang belum selesai di download bisa didownload di waktu lain. tinggal kamu seting aplikasi client torrent kamu berjalan pada saat komputer start up dan komputer kamu juga terhubung ke internet. lebih santai untuk download file yang Gigaan ..

Isi Didalam DVD ini

* Windows 7 SP1-U Starter 32bit

* Windows 7 SP1-U Home Basic 32bit & 64bit

* Windows 7 SP1-U Home Premium 32bit & 64bit

* Windows 7 SP1-U Professional 32bit & 64bit

* Windows 7 SP1-U Ultimate 32bit & 64bit

* Windows 7 SP1-U Enterprise 32bit & 64bit

* Windows 7 SP1-U Enterprise-N 32bit & 64bit

* Repair/Installation of MBR on 32bit & 64bit machines.

* Repair/Installation of EFI on 64bit machines.

* Supports GPT on MBR/EFI 64bit machines. (Requires initialization of GPT partition).

* Supports upgrades of either 32bit or 64bit Windows Vista to Windows 7.

Burning Instructions:

1) Download menggunakan Utorrent

2) stelah selesai download burning file dengan Ultra Iso dengan kecepatan 16x ok! Good Luck :D

Repair kesalahan error pada windows 7 menggunakan FixWin

Shobat adalah pengguna windows vista atau windows7 ? Pada awal penggunaan semuanya berjalan normal, namun lambat laun semakin lama bisa saja terjadi error atau kesalahan pada beberapa fitur windows 7. Beberapa fitur yang ada menjadi tidak bisa diakses seperti folder option menjadi hilang, icon recycle bin tidak ada, cd/dvd drive tidak muncul, Icon Internet explorer tidak muncul, dan fitur-fitur yang lain. Kesalahan atau error ini dapat disebabkan oleh aktivitas virus computer, malware, atau bisa juga karena perubahan yang diatur oleh user sendiri.

Dalam keadaan yang seperti ini (beberapa fitur menjadi disable), tentu shobat menginginkan agar windows 7 anda berjalan normal kembali seperti sedia kala. Dengan demikian semua aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan computer dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Untuk mengatasi error yang seperti itu, shobat bisa memperbaikinya sendiri walaupun shobat masih awam. Dengan bantuan software FixWin buatan ini shobat dapat memperbaiki kesalahan atau error yang terjadi pada windows 7 dengan sangat mudah. Yang perlu shobat lakukan adalah dengan memilih pilihan error kemudian klik Fix, maka software FixWin ini akan bekerja untuk shobat memperbaiki windows 7 yang mengalami error.

Software FixWin ini merupakan freeware dan berupa software portable yang hanya bekerja pada windows vista atau windows 7. Sedangkan pada windows xp tidak dapat berjalan. Untuk mendapatkannya shobat dapat mengunjungi halaman dari atau langsung download pada link dibawah. Fitur repair pada software FixWin diantaranya adalah :
Terdapat 7 fitur utama, yaitu Welcome, Windows explorer, Internet and Connectivity, Windows Media, System Tools, Additional Fixes, dan About. Pada menu Welcome shobat disarankan untuk melakukan System File Checker Utility dan membuat system restore point. Pada menu Windows explorer beberapa diantaranya adalah Fix Recicle bin icon is missing from desktop, Reset atau fix Folder view settings to default, Enable to game explorer folder, enable folder options, fix show hidden files, folders and drives, dll. Pada menu Internet and connectivity diantaranya adalah fix internet option is missing, optimize internet explorer maximum connection, Fix run time error dialogs are appearing in internet explorer when surfing. Pada menu windows media fiturnya adalah Windows media player doesn't start and an error message appears " An internal application error has occurred"Reset windows Media library and fix library sync issues. Pada menu system tools beberapa fitur repair yang disediakan adalah Enable Task manager, enable command prompt, enable registry editor, enable MMC snap-ins, Reset system restore to default, Repair windows defender. Pada menu additional fixes beberapa fitur yang ada diantaranya Enable hibernate, fix corrupted desktop icon, Aero snap is not working dan lain sebagainya.

software fix error windows 7

Dengan bantuan software FixWin ini user akan mendapatkan kemudahan untuk memperbaiki windows vista atau windows 7 ketika terjadi error.

Memanfaatkan Powerline (listrik sebagai LAN)

DSC 0430 500x332 Memanfaatkan Powerline (listrik sebagai LAN)

Powerline Merk Aztech dengan harga kisaran 200Rb / pcs
Di Malaysia, powerline sudah menjadi hal yang lumrah dan banyak dimanfaatkan oleh banyak user disini, khususnya ketika IP TV mulai meramaikan industri TV di Malaysia. Keberadaan IP TV ini tentu saja membuat sebagian besar desain cabling rumah menjadi salah, hal ini terjadi karena port televisi dan port LAN biasanya terletak bersebrangan. Sebagai contoh kondominium saya, dimana letak port TV dan port komunikasi/jaringan telefon bersebrangan pada ruang depan. Hal ini membuat saya harus memasang kabel panjang yang melintang, atau membuat jalur kabel yang panjang mengelilingi ruang untuk mencapai port TV.
Situasi seperti ini tentu saja membuat rumah jadi tampak lebih semrwawut, dimana kabel melintang kemana mana. Namun kali ini kita dapat mengeliminasi hal ini dengan memanfaatkan teknologi powerline.

Apakah itu Powerline ?

Dalam term bahasa singkatnya, powerline akan memberikan kemudahan kita untuk membuat LAN dengan menggunakan media saluran listrik. Yang kita perlukan adalah powerline adapter di masing masing port listrik. Sehingga dengan kata lain kita memerlukan minimal 2 port powerline adapter agar network dapat terhubung dengan mudah. Sebutan lain dari powerline yang populer adalah homeplug.

Indonesia sudah memiliki teknologi ini dulu yang dipergunakan untuk Internet (dari PLN) disebut dengan PLC, namun sayang masyarakat kurang menyerap teknologi ini dikarenakan harga infrastruktur yang sangat tinggi.
Di Malaysia, powerline untuk Internet belum masuk, namun mereka sudah masuk kedalam teknologi internet Fiber Optik yang memiliki kecepatan yang sudah tinggi. Untuk itu powerline lebih dimanfaatkan sebagai media untuk mensederhanakan jaringan lokal di rumah khususnya untuk rumah yang memiliki port internet bersebrangan dengan port TV, ataupun rumah yang memiliki 2 atau 3 lantai. Sehingga mereka tidak memerlukan melakukan cabling, bobok dinding untuk membuat sistim cabling dirumah.

Setup Powerline

DSC 0432 500x332 Memanfaatkan Powerline (listrik sebagai LAN)
Peralatan dari powerline (pass-thru)
Untuk memasangnya sangat sederhana sekali, tidak diperlukan skill khusus untuk memasang ini. User biasa dapat menerapkan ini dengan mudah, karena powerline tidak memerlukan konfigurasi khusus. Kita hanya memerlukan setidaknya 2 port powerline, cukup masukan powerline ke port listrik dan masukan kabel network pada port powerline tersebut. Dan lakukan hal yang sama untuk port berikutnya maka network dapat terhubung dengan mudah. Port ini juga dapat dihubungkan ke switch atau hub untuk men ekspansi jumlah port yang kita perlukan.
DSC 0438 500x333 Memanfaatkan Powerline (listrik sebagai LAN)
Di port lisrtik lainya harus menggunakan powerline juga

Memilih Powerline

Saat ini powerline sudah memiliki banyak Varian, pada dasarnya semuanya sama saja, teknologinya hampir mirip. Kecepatan nya juga variatif, hanya beberapa fitur dan beberapa spesifikasi saja yang perlu di pertimbangkan dalam memilih powerline.
Saat ini powerline memiliki variasi kecepatan tersendiri. 85Mbps adalah kecepatan powerline yang paling rendah, sedangkan yang paling tinggi ada yang hingga mencapai 1000Mbps (ataupun Gigabit). Selain dengan kecepatan, powerline memiliki beberapa fitur tambahan, misalnya saja kompabilitas, jumlah port network yang dapat di dukung dalam 1 powerline, hingga adanya tambahan Wireless N Extender. Memungkinkan Powerline untuk memeperluas cakupan sinyal wireless. Fitur lainya yang perlu dipertimbangkan untuk memilih powerline yaitu adanya keperluan untuk listrik Pass Through. Pada dasarnya powerline akan lebih baik kalau terhubung langsung ke sumber listrik (tampa melalui percabangan listrik), jika tidak maka powerline akan mengalami penurunan kemampuan. Untuk itu, kita harus menghubungkan powerline terlebih dahulu barulah di cabangkan ke peralatan listrik lain, sehingga dengan powerline yang memiliki pass through akan membantu kita mengatasi masalah ini.

Download Free Opener | Software untuk membuka berbagai macam format file

Aurora 3D Barcode Generator 1.1129 - Full Version

Anda pernah membeli sebuah produk yang terdapat barcode-nya kan? Barcode ini merupakan kumpulan kode yang digambar kan dalam sebuah titik atau garis yang biasanya memiliki arti tertentu. Nah apa anda tertarik membuat barcode? Kalo Ya, Aurora 3D Barcode Generator 1.1129 - Full Version solusinya. Dengan Aurora 3D Barcode Generator 1.1129 membuat barcode menjadi lebih mudah.

Screenshot :

Download :
Untuk membaca barcode anda bisa menggunakan Android Apps (googling aja), Aplikasi Symbian (googling aja), Alat khusus scan barcode (seperti di supermarket), atau bisa juga ko pakai komputer langsung.

Gimana nih caranya Membaca Barcode di PC?
  1. Simple aja, klik (ZXing Decoder Online)
  2. Pilih Berkas - Kirim
  3. Nanti keterangan Barcode akan muncul

    * Untuk software pembaca barcode masih dalam pencarian. :)
# Tested : Windows 7
Semoga Bermanfaat

WinSnap 4.0.3 Final Full Patch

File Size: 2MB
WinSnap - Tool kecil untuk mengambil screenshot dari layar PC kita, meskipun ukurannya kecil WinSnap ini tidak kalah dengan software screenshot lainya. WinSnap selain mudah digunakan juga dilengkapi dengan editor untuk menyempurnakan pekerjaan kita dan untuk pengambilan gambar ada 5 mode antara lain Full Screen, Application, Window, Object dan Region.
Click on image to enlarge

  1. Flexible screen capture capabilities
  2. Professional shadow effects and powerful image processing
  3. Basic canvas transformations
  4. Aero Glass capturing with shadows and transparencies
  5. Alpha-Channel and PNG transparency support
  6. Unique Multi-Object capture mode
  7. Work faster with configurable External Tools
  8. Easy Web publishing and E-mail dispatch
  9. Advanced save and copy options
  10. Keyboard and mouse control
  11. Multilingual user interface
  12. Small and fast for an image editor
Operating System: Windows All



New Free Download Alone In The Dark For PC

The gameplay in Alone In The Dark differs greatly from other games in the series. It is set out through DVD-style 'episodes', where the player can choose to start the game from the beginning, or choose to skip to a section if they get stuck. If they choose to do so, the past events are recollected in a "Previously on Alone In The Dark..." cutscene at the start of the episode. Alone In The Dark has an interchangeable first and third person camera, and puzzle solving style gameplay. The player can switch to first-person view if they choose to. The environment plays a big part of core gameplay, as the player can pick up any object (such as pipes, wood, etc.) and use it as a melee weapon. It can also be used to smash in doors, and knock objects over. Fire is generated in real-time, as objects can be set alight by holding it over the fire, and it can be extinguished. If the fire isn't extinguished fast enough, the flames will continue to regenerate. The player can pick up objects, and combine to make different styles of weapons, however only some objects can be combined with others. Any object which is shot at or thrown will be destroyed instantly. If the player takes damage, open wounds appear on Edward's outfit. Players must use a medical spray, or if the wounds are too deep, use bandages to heal themselves. Similar to Dark Sector, if Edward takes too much damage, the screen will flash red, and a heartbeat sound will be heard indicating that he is bleeding out.
Minimum Requirements:
* Operating System: Windows XP/Vista
* Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz or Athlon 64 +2800 (Intel Pentium 4 3.4 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 +3400 recommended)
* Memory: 1 GB RAM (2GB recommended)
* Hard Disk Space: 8.5GB free
* DVD-ROM Drive: 4X speed or faster
* Video: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 or ATI Radeon X1650 XT or better (NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX or ATI Radeon X1950 XT or better recommended) with 256 Mo (512 Mo recommended)
* Sound: DirectX version 9.0c-compatible sound card
* DirectX: DirectX version 9.0c (included) or higher

Alone In The Dark 5 pc Download

Alone In The Dark 5 pc Download

Alone In The Dark 5 pc Download

Alone In The Dark 5 Download

Alone In The Dark 5 pc Download

Single Download Link-
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size 6.7 gb

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size 7.6 gb


Top 10 Video Hosting Sites – YouTube Alternatives

YouTube is the largest service (Video Hosting Site) which provides a lot of video content to be watched and have the most users. Probably everyone agree that right now YouTube is the leader in online video sites. But YouTube is not the only sites which provide free video hosting which have the same features like YouTube which allow the users to make podcast, broadcast, share, uploading video content, showing video content, and watching live streaming video.

Here I will give the list of free video hosting sites. Here are 10 alternative sites of YouTube :

Vimeo | Video Sharing For You

This site is so much like YouTube, and also allow peoples to socialize in all video available on Vimeo. In Vimeo there's also Groups, Channel Video which you can choose to subscribe, and what interesting in Vimeo right now it also have the feature "Music Store" where you can directly buy the songs via Vimeo and in the Music Store menus you can also find the songs which you can download for free without paying. To upload video in Vimeo, users need to sign up first. For registration can be done for free.
Daily Motion | Online Videos, Music, and Movies

This sites support general video format, and user can do free registration to be able to upload video, but limiting the capacity of storage and duration of video uploaded. This site also supports to upload High Definition video (HD). What interested from Daily Motion is that the category menu which is available to make it easier in searching video based on category for the users. | Streaming live video broadcasts for everyone is an interesting and good video hosting services. What become the pledge of is that the users can make a Live Video and can be watched by all internet users all around the world. usually used by the users to watch live football match or concert. Their server are really good so it will be smooth when watching the live streaming there. | Free LIVE VIDEO Streaming, Online Broadcast, Create Webcasts, TV Shows
Ustream is the leading live interactive broadcast platform. Anyone with an internet connection and a camera can start engaging with their family, friends or fans anytime, anywhere. Millions of Ustream users view and broadcast a wide variety of content, from high school sporting events to red carpet movie premieres. Notable Ustream broadcasts include major political events, concerts, conferences, movie premieres, talk shows, sporting events, interactive games, and personal milestones. | Discover the best in original web series

Blip is the place to discover the best in original web series, from professional and up-and-coming producers. We give viewers free access to a wide variety of dramas, comedies, arts, sports and other shows and make it easy to find what you want when you want it. The series showcased on Blip are hand-picked by our editors, so it's easy to discover the most entertaining options available.
Metacafe | Online Video Entertainment – Free video clips
This site also almost the same with YouTube and the privilege of this site is that the video on Metacafe usually in HD format. There are some kinds of video which can be uploaded on this website. Video and audio is pretty high quality. Category and interface in Metacafe is also pretty good.
Sidereel.Com | TV Shows – Series, Episodes, Seasons

For you who loves English TV series such as Heroes, Prison Break, Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewife, etc. this sites provide it. You can watch online all episodes which you love here.
yFrog | Free image and video hosting on your social networks
Yfrog maybe more famous as sites to share photo for Twitter, but actually it also have features for video. yFrog allow you to upload short video and post it directly to Twitter, you can also see are your video (or photo) of your network have been posted using this sites. | Share your videos online with friends
Metatube provide many kinds of video which you can watch online. The interface of this sites is really simple but still interesting. Blooper video, Cartoon Video, Boxing Video, Celebrity Video, Anime video and Funny Video is some interesting category from this sites. | Watch Movies Online for Free

Unlimited capacity which give become one of its special charm which make it relatively fast to upload file with big size, because no limitation, there have been some amazing video with high quality uploaded in it, even though it haven't have users as much as YouTube but for now it's generally considered going well.

Windows 8 Skin Pack 11.0 for Windows 7 &XP

aplikasi ini mungkin sudah pada hafal karena update dari versi - ke versi, kali ini Windows 8 Skin Pack sudah mencapai versi 11, mungkin banyak perubahan dari versi terbaru nya, untuk yang penasaran dan ingin mencoba langsung saja download !!


Making 3D Animation with Blender 3D

For you who interested in the world of 3D and Animation, you can use the Blender 3D. Blender 3D is a free software which can be used for modeling, texturing, lighting, animation, and video posting process for 3 dimensional images. Blender is a free open source and can be downloaded freely. With Blender 3D you can make 3D animation object, media 3D interactive, model, professional shape and model 3D, making game object and there are still lot of other 3D creation.

Blender 3D give features such as listed below :

  • Organized and user friendly interface
  • Tool to create a full 3D object which include modeling, UV mapping, texturing, rigging, skinning, animation, particle, and other kind of simulation, scripting, rendering, compositing, post production, and game creation.
  • Cross Platform, with uniform GUI and supporting all platform, Blender 3D can be used for all version windows, Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, Irix, Sun, and other operating system.

  • High quality 3D texture and can be done faster and more efficient.
  • Active support through forum and community
  • Low Size File
  • And obviously FREE

Here are some screenshot picture and animation 3D created with Blender 3D

Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License. Blender support for Windows 32 bits, Windows 64 bits, Linux x86-32, Linux x86-64, Mac OS , and FreeBSD. To download it, please select your platform and location.

Cara Menghilangkan / Crack WGA Windows 7 Ultimate, windows 7 profesional,windows 7 home edition dan All Version windows 7

Crack WGA Windows 7 ultimate

Mudah – mudahan bermanfaat bagi anda yang sedang mencari cara Cara Mudah menghilangkan Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) Windows 7 Beberapa versi diantaranya windows 7 Ultimate, windows 7 Profesional , windows 7 Home Premium dan all Version Windows 7 ataupun Versi Lain Windows 7 Jika ada :)

Dengan 2 langkah mudah yaitu klik 2x pada tool program ini kemudian restart/reboot , maka WGA Windows 7 yang mengganggu anda akan hilang.
Tapi sebaiknya jika anda gunakan windows 7 untuk kepentingan bisnis atau commersial beli lisensinya, gunakan tool ini hanya untuk kepentingan pendidikan dan non commersial lainnya
Link Downloadnya :
*mohon bersabar dalam mendownloadnya krn saya menggnakan dan ziddu jadi agak banyak iklannya, mohon ikuti instruksinya . terima kasih

Anti-Trojan Elite 5.5.9

Anti Trojan Elite(ATE) is a malware remover, it can detect and clean malware in disk or memory.Anti Trojan Elite provide a real-time malware firewall for user, once a trojan or keylogger would been loaded, the ATE can detect, block and then clean it in time before it starts. The ATE can detect more than 22000 trojans, worms and keyloggers currently, and the number of malware ATE could clean is growing up very quickly, we collect world-wide malwares, user can using our auto live update feature to get the power to clean these new malwares in time.

Anti Trojan Elite has some useful utilities especially. The network utility can been used to disconnect suspicious TCP connections; The process utility can been used to kill suspicious processes even the process has the system priviage, even it has the ability to unload suspicious modules in all processes; The registry repair utility can been used to repair registry altered by malware; The registry monitor utility can been used to repair any change of important registry keys and values with real time.

- Real-time malware firewall, protecting user's computer in real-time.
- Detecting and cleaning binded malware, doesn't hurt normal file and clean the malware.
- Detecting and cleaning no process malware, some malware don't have a EXE file, they are only some DLL files and running as some threads in other process, ATE can detect and clean this type of malware even it's running.
- Free tools. View the information of Tcp/Ip states and processes informations.

- Disk and memory scan supported.
- Real-time malware firewall.
- Compressed files (RAR ZIP CAB) scan supported.
- Backup module: Backup trojan files before killing.
- Network Manager. View the tcp/udp states and the processes they belonged to. User can disconnect any tcp connection and stop the opposite process.
- Process manager. View the processes and its DLL modules' information. User can terminate any process and unload any DLL module.
- Internet Explorer and registry repair utility.
- Updating online supported, and auto check updates when ATE starts.
- Real-time registry monitor utility.

DefenseWall Personal Firewall 3.17 + DefenseWall HIPS 3.17

DefenseWall Personal Firewall 3.17 The world's first personal firewall, sandbox! For the average user is very difficult to configure and use the usual "classical" firewalls.

DefenseWall Personal Firewall is totally different from the standard, "classical" schemes of work in the field of software security. You hardly even notice it in the work, automatically providing the highest possible level of security immediately after installation.

Some features:

* No learning period (as in the classical solutions).

* The absolute minimum window with confirmation in the industry.

* Full compatibility with other security solutions.

* There is no need to configure anything (configure ports, sockets, ...).

* No need to verify the changed application.

DefenseWall HIPS 3.17 is the easiest and simplest way to protect yourself from malicious software, which is not able to defend your anti-virus when you're on the Internet!

DefenseWall HIPS divides all applications into Trusted and nedoverennye.Nedoverennye applications are launched with limited rights to modification of critical system parameters in a specially allocated for them in the virtual zone that separates them from trusted applications. In the case of penetration of the untrusted applications, malware, it will not harm your system and can be closed with just one click! With DefenseWall Internet surfing has never been so easy, simple and safe! Try it and see for yourself!

Why do I need HIPS if I already installed antivirus and a firewall?

The firewall monitors only network connection antivirus protects only from known malicious modules. But malware writers modify them so quickly that antivirus not able to detect these modified modules. That's why you need a HIPS-it protects you from malicious applications of all types, known and unknown, without the need for any signatures were.

Compatibility: Windows XP/Vista/7

Language: English / Russian

License: There is

Version: DefenseWall Personal Firewall 3.17 + DefenseWall HIPS 3.17

Size: 8.94 MB
Download DefenseWall Personal Firewall 3.17 + DefenseWall HIPS 3.17

BurnAware v4.6 Professional

BurnAware - simple and yet powerful program for recording and copying of any disks - CD, DVD, Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, as well as copying CD and DVD. The program allows you to perform all the basic tasks of writing: working with native CD / DVD, Blu-Ray; record Audio CD and DVD-Video; copying and burning images, cloning disks, multisession support, also has additional tools for making copies of CD and DVD photographs, documents, movies, games and music and much more. There is a multilingual interface, including Russian and Windows 7 support.

The latest versions of updated user interface, added and updated localizations, new dialogs and options to better support special characters, fixes problems with the creation of certain types of discs, as well as significantly improved engine for recording media.

BurnAware supports all types of optical media (CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD + R / RW, BD-R/RE, HD-DVD-R/RW and DVD-RAM) and a wide range of writing drives.

Main features:

- Create a simple and multi-session data disks CD / DVD / Blu-ray Discs.

- Create audio CDs CD CD / DVD / Blu-ray.

- Create a video DVD.

- Create and burn disc images.

- Supports all modern interfaces (IDE/SCSI/USB/1394/SATA).

- Supported file systems UDF/ISO9660/Joliet Bridged in any combination.

- Record all types of images on the fly (no staging to hard drive).

- Auto-verification of written files.

- Supports CD-Text and unicode.

- Does not contain spyware or adware.

- Work in the operating systems Windows 2000/XP/Vista / 7 / x64


* Updated Shell SDK.

* Increased speed of files addition.

* Resolved problem with hanging up while loading big ISO image files.

* Fixed bug with calculation of average BD write speed.

* Fixed bug with launching under Windows 2000 and NT4.

* Minor fixes and improvements were applied.

Year: 2012

OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

Language: Ml (Russian)

Medicine: (crack-ADMIN_CRACK)

Size: 5.8 MB
Download BurnAware v4.6 Professional

Leawo PowerPoint To Video Pro v2.2.0.55 With Patch

Ingin mengkonversi PowerPoint menjadi sebuah video? Sekarang saya punya solusinya. Software kali ini yang akan saya bagikan adalah Leawo PowerPoint To Video Pro v2.2.0.55 With Patch. Dengan Leawo PowerPoint To Video Pro v2.2.0.55 With Patch ini sobat bisa mengkonversi slide Powerpoint berekstensi (.ppt, .pptx) menjadi sebuah video dan yang pasti dapat diputar ke dalam video atau media player. Selain itu dengan Leawo PowerPoint To Video Pro v2.2.0.55 sobat bisa memberikan musik agar videonya lebih menarik dan dapat dikonvert menjadi berbagai jenis audio video seperti mp3, mpg, avi, 3gp, dll.

Convert PowerPoint to video in most formats. Leawo PowerPoint to Video Pro is a wonderful PowerPoint to video conversion program that assists in converting your PowerPoint presentations and slideshows to quality videos for uploading to video-sharing websites like YouTube and playing on portable devices like iPad, iPod and iPhone, while retaining all the animations, slide transitions, sounds and video clips in the source PowerPoint.

Screenshot from Softpedia:
