Saturday, April 21, 2012
Ini Dia Foto Kim Kardashian Saat Sedang Tidur
Selama ini sosok Kim Kardashian memang selalu tampak sempurna saat muncul di berbagai kesempatan. Tubuh seksi serta wajah cantiknya selalu jadi pusat perhatian dimanapun dia berada. Namun apakah seorang Kim Kardashian juga tetap tampil seksi dan sempurna saat sedang tidur? Yuk kita cari tahu!
Ibunda Kim, Kris Jenner rupanya iseng-iseng mengambil foto Kim Kardashian saat sedang tidur. Tak hanya mengambil gambar, Kris juga ternyata memposting foto Kim Kardashian yang lagi tertidur lelap tersebut lewat twitter.
Dalam foto itu, Kim Kardashian tampak tertidur pulas di balik selimut. Piyama abu-abu yang dikenakannya saat itu sangat jauh dari kesan seksi yang selama ini disandangnya jika sedang berada di hadapan publik. Selain memposting foto tersebut, Kris juga menuliskan caption yang menyatakan bahwa di usia 31 tahun, ternyata Kim Kardashian masih sering tidur bersama ibunya. Bagi Kris, Kim masih tetap gadis kecilnya.
"I love that @kimkardashian masih suka merayap ke kasur bersamaku. Dia masih tetap gadis kecilku #favoritething," tulis Kris.
Cross E3T | Harga Spesifikasi
Seri Touchscreen dari CrossMobile, Dual ON GSM.
Harga Rp. 410 ribuan
Dual GSM On
PDA Touchmate
E-Budy Chatting Group
2.8 inch TFT LCD
1.3 Megapixel Camera
MP3/ MP4 / 3GP
FM Radio
Sound / Video Recording
Extra Loong SMS Character
Bluetooth A2DP
USB Modem
Compatible Earphone 3,5 mm
Compatible Battery.
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Cross E3T |
Harga Rp. 410 ribuan
Dual GSM On
PDA Touchmate
E-Budy Chatting Group
2.8 inch TFT LCD
1.3 Megapixel Camera
MP3/ MP4 / 3GP
FM Radio
Sound / Video Recording
Extra Loong SMS Character
Bluetooth A2DP
USB Modem
Compatible Earphone 3,5 mm
Compatible Battery.
Cross CG 88T | Harga Spesifikasi
Seri Touchscreen dari Cross Mobile, ada tv nya.
Harga Rp. 450 ribuan
Dual GSM On
Fast Acces Java
E-Budy Chatting Group
2.4 inch TFT LCD
1.3 Megapixel Camera
Analog TV
MP3/ MP4 / 3GP
FM Radio
Sound / Video Recording
Extra Loong SMS Character
Stainless Steel Casing
Bluetooth A2DP
USB Modem, Webcam
Compatible Battery.
![]() |
Cross CG 88T |
Harga Rp. 450 ribuan
Dual GSM On
Fast Acces Java
E-Budy Chatting Group
2.4 inch TFT LCD
1.3 Megapixel Camera
Analog TV
MP3/ MP4 / 3GP
FM Radio
Sound / Video Recording
Extra Loong SMS Character
Stainless Steel Casing
Bluetooth A2DP
USB Modem, Webcam
Compatible Battery.
Zac Efron Malu Beradegan Seks Sambil Ditonton Ibunya
Di film terbarunya yang berjudul 'The Lucky One', aktor Zac Efron banyak melakukan adegan seks dengan lawan mainnya, Taylor Schilling. Hal ini membuat artis yang pernah mendapat julukan sebagai 'Pria Terseksi Sedunia' ini merasa malu pada ibunya, Starla. Pasalnya, sang ibu melihat sendiri adegan seks yang begitu panas yang dilakukan Zac Efron di film tersebut.
Zac Efron bahkan sempat bergurau kalau dia sempat berpikir untuk meninggalkan teater saja. Cowok tampan bertubuh atletis ini tak mau dan tidak siap melihat reaksi keluarganya, terutama sang ibu, saat melihat adegan berhubungan intim yang dilakukannya itu.
"Kami melihat film bersama dan aku merasa sangat tak nyaman," kenang Zac seperti dilansir lewat Digital Spy.
"Meskipun ibu duduk di kursi bawah, tapi aku mencoba menghindar selama adegan tersebut. Karena kupikir, aktingku sangat memalukan," lanjut mantan bintang Disney tersebut.
Namun di luar dugaan Zac Efron, tanggapan sang ibu ternyata tak seburuk yang dibayangkannya. "Dia hanya tertawa sambil berkata, 'itu anak saya!'. Aku pikir, ibu bangga padaku. Bahkan saat aku beradegan seperti itu," tutupnya.
Tiduri 500 Perempuan, Mario Falcone Mengaku Kecanduan Seks
Aktor tampan Mario Falcone mengakui kalau dirinya memang tipe pria yang kecanduan seks. Sebelumnya, artis yang masih berusia 24 tahun ini mengaku pernah berhubungan seks dengan lebih dari 500 perempuan di usianya yang terbilang cukup muda.
Mario Falcone mengaku pertama kali hilang keperjakaan ketika dirinya masih berumur 15 tahun. Sejak itulah, petualangan seks Mario Falcone yang liar dimulai hingga kebiasaannya itu menjadi tak terkontrol. Bintang serial 'The Only Way Is Essex' itu menganggap permainan seks-nya dengan ratusan perempuan itu sebagai hal yang biasa bagi seorang pria yang masih single. Namun, Mario bersyukur kini ia bisa melampiaskan hasrat seksnya dengan kekasih barunya, Lucy Mecklenburgh.
"Jika seorang pria tidur dengan 100 wanita, dia dianggap seperti dewa. Jika seorang gadis melakukan hal yang sama, maka dia disebut sarang tempat mengeram. Begitulah cara dunia bekerja, sayangnya," kata Mario seperti dikutip Digitalspy, Kamis (18/4/2012) lalu.
Konser Greyson Chance di Jakarta Sukses Puaskan Fansnya
Greyson Chance sukses menggelar konser dan menghibur para penggemarnya di Jakarta, Indonesia malam ini. Konser Greyson Chance digelar pada Jumat malam, tanggal 20 April 2012 di JITEC Mangga Dua Square, Jakarta. Setelah teriakan 'We want Greyson!' dari para penggemar yang rata-rata gadis remaja itu, Greyson akhirnya menaiki panggung pukul 20.40 WIB. Dan inilah laporan konser Greyson Chance di Jakarta, Indonesia.
Greyson tampak santai dengan mengenakan jaket coklat lengkap dengan badge merah putih seperti bendera Indonesia di belakangnya dan kaos putih. Penyanyi muda belia kelahiran 16 Agustus 1997 itu membuka konser tunggalnya dengan lagu-lagu berjudul 'Unfriend You', 'Heart Like Stone' dan 'Light Up the Dark'.
"How are you tonight Jakarta! Saya sangat senang bisa kembali lagi ke Jakarta. Terakhir kali saya tampil di Hard Rock Jakarta, tapi malam ini berbeda, ada ratusan penonton di sini!" sapa Greyson yang diiringi oleh teriakan histeris penonton.
Sambil memainkan pianonya, Greyson membuat suasana semakin semangat dengan lagu Lady Gaga yang berjudul 'Paparazzi'. Lagu 'Paparazzi' merupakan lagu yang membuat Greyson Chance terkenal seperti sekarang ini.
"Lagu berikutnya adalah lagu yang saya post di YouTube, lalu saya dihubungi oleh Ellen dan ditawari ke LA untuk tampil di show-nya. This one called 'Paparazzi'," sontak semua penonton langsung bersorak.
Lagu berjudul 'Fire' dan 'Running Away' pun tak kalah semangat dibawakan. Tetap enerjik, Greyson membuat penonton bergoyang di lagu 'Little London Girl'. Ia bercerita sedikit di lagu 'Home Is In Your Eyes', mengaku setiap menyanyikan lagu tersebut ia selalu teringat akan rumahnya.
Penyanyi asal Amerika itu tidak hanya menyanyikan lagu dari albumnya saja. Dengan diiringi gitar, lagu Adele 'Rolling In The Deep' sukses membuat JITEC Mangga Dua Square bernyanyi bersama. 'Purple Sky', 'Summertrain', dan 'Cheyenne' dibawakan Greyson dengan apik. Selain membawakan lagu dari Lady Gaga dan Adele, Greyson juga meng-cover lagu Foster The People yang berjudul 'Pumped Up Kicks' dengan gaya dan goyangannya yang khas.
Lagu 'Hold On Till The Night' dan 'Waiting Outside Lines' yang ditunggu-tunggu akhirnya dinyanyikan oleh penyanyi berusia 14 tahun itu. 'Take A Look At Me Now' dipilih menjadi encore di konsernya tadi malam. Penyanyi bernama lengkap Greyson Michael Chance itu juga sempat berterima kasih untuk plakat yang ia dapat dari Universal Music Indonesia atas albumnya yang terjual di Indonesia. "Terima kasih Jakarta!" tutupnya.
Ini Dia Daftar Permintaan Super Junior (Suju) Selama di Indonesia
Penampilan boyband Super Junior (Suju) dalam konsernya di Jakarta sudah sangat ditunggu-tunggu oleh ribuan penggemarnya di Indonesia. Para personel boyband asal Korea ini juga sudah membuat wish list atau daftar keinginan mereka selama berada di Indonesia pada pihak penyelenggara.
Apa saja daftar permintaan para personil Super Junior (Suju) selama di Indonesia? Menurut Sherwin Djajadi, Direktur Showmaxx Entertainment, promotor yang menyelenggarakan konser Super Junior, cowok-cowok tampan ini meminta disediakan makanan-makanan khas Indonesia.
"Mereka ingin makan sate ayam, nasi goreng, dan pisang. Pasti kami siapkan yang spesial untuk mereka," kata Sherwin.
Sherwin juga mengungkap kalau para personel Super Junior, ingin sekalian berlibur di Indonesia. Tapi ia tak membocorkan lebih lanjut mereka akan berlibur di mana. Demi alasan keamanan, pihak penyelenggara tak akan memberitahu kapan tepatnya Super Junior datang ke Indonesia. Hal ini juga untuk menciptakan rasa nyaman pada para personel.
"Tidak akan diberitahu tentang kedatangan mereka ke Indonesia. Hal yang terpenting Super Junior dapat tempat nyaman di Indonesia dan kita tidak mengadakan konferensi pers sebelum konser," ujar Sherwin.
Antusiasme yang begitu besar para penggemar Super Junior (Suju) di Indonesia membuat pihak promotor yang semula berencana menggelar konser dua hari, menjadi tiga hari. Yaitu, dari 27, 28 hingga 29 April 2012 di Mata Elang International Stadium, Ancol, Jakarta. Namun tentang berapa kisaran harga atau budget yang telah dikeluarkan untuk mendatangkan Super Junior ke Indonesia, pihak Showmaxx enggan membocorkan angka pasti.
"Mahal, lumayan sekali budget-nya disesuaikan dengan pengeluaran selama konser tiga hari dan membayar mereka sendiri," ujar Sherwin.
Wow! Paris Hilton Juga Menyukai Film 'The Raid'
Rupanya bukan hanya orang Indonesia saja yang penasaran ingin menonton film 'The Raid: Redemption'. Paris Hilton juga kepingin nonton film 'The Raid'. Sosialita cantik penuh sensasi ini mengisi hari liburannya dengan menyaksikan film yang dibintangi oleh Iko Uwais itu.
Paris Hilton ketahuan menyaksikan film 'The Raid' saat dirinya berkicau di akun Twitter pribadinya. Dia memuji film ini sebagai film yang 'luar biasa'.
"Go see The Raid: Redemption this weekned. AMAZING action movie!" tulisnya pada Sabtu (21/4/2012).
Paris Hilton ketahuan menyaksikan film 'The Raid' saat dirinya berkicau di akun Twitter pribadinya. Dia memuji film ini sebagai film yang 'luar biasa'.
"Go see The Raid: Redemption this weekned. AMAZING action movie!" tulisnya pada Sabtu (21/4/2012).
Film yang disutradari oleh Gareth Evans yang berkewarganegaraan Amerika Serikat ini, dirilis sejak tanggal 23 Maret 2012 lalu. Diberitakan, hanya dalam dua pekan film 'The Raid' mampu meraup Rp15 miliar. Di Amerika, 'The Raid' juga diputar di 875 bioskop dan berhasil masuk urutan ke-11 Box Office Movie.
Film ini juga telah meraih berbagai penghargaan, di antaranya penghargaan dari Dublin Film Critics, yang digelar di Dublin, Irlandia. Selain menampilkan aksi Iko Uwais, film 'The Raid' juga dibintangi oleh Joe Taslim dan Ray Sahetapi.
Ini Dia Eskalator Khusus Anjing Gendut (Obesitas)
Yuk Belajar Dari Kisah Sukses Petani Cabai Yang Kaya Raya
Uniknya Sky Village, Kampu Melayang Buatan Jepang
Ini Dia Hal-hal Konyol Yang Dilakukan Tentara Agar Tidak Stres
Demi Film 'Modus Anomali' Rio Dewanto Banyak Latihan Fisik
Selain banyak berakting untuk FTV (film televisi), Rio Dewanto juga banyak bermain di film layar lebar beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Karir kekasih Atiqah Hasiholan ini di dunia akting memang kian bersinar. Setelah bermain dalam film berjudul 'Tanda Tanya' dan 'Arisan!2', pria bertato kelahiran tanggal 28 Agustus 1987 ini, dipercaya memerankan tokoh utama di film terbarunya 'Modus Anomali'.
Dalam film menegangkan yang digarap secara apik oleh sutradara Joko Anwar dan diproduseri oleh Sheila Timothy dari LifeLike Pictures tersebut, Rio Dewanto berperan sebagai John Evans. Meski tak mengalami kesulitan saat melakukan pendalaman karakter, Rio mengaku lebih banyak melakukan latihan fisik demi perannya di film ini.
"Gue banyak latihan fisik, seperti lari, berenang, supaya fisik kuat. Takutnya syutingnya mundur karena gue nggak kuat kan nggak enak," ujar Rio Dewanto saat ditemui usai screening film 'Modus Anomali' di Blitzmegaplex, Grand Indonesia, beberapa waktu lalu.
Film 'Modus Anomali' merupakan film ke-4 yang disutradarai oleh Joko Anwar setelah sebelumnya sempat sukses dengan film 'Janji Joni', 'Kala', dan 'Pintu Terlarang'. Menurut Joko, dalam film ini bukan hanya si aktor saja yang bermain, tapi juga kamera.
"Pergerakan kamera dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga penonton bisa merasa berada dalam suasana mencekam bersama dengan karkater utama," ucap Joko.
Sekilas sinopsis film 'Modus Anomali' :
"Film 'Modus Anomali' bercerita tentang seorang laki-laki yang sedang berlibur dengan istri dan kedua anaknya di sebuah kabin di hutan. Mereka dikejutkan dengan kedatangan tamu yang tak mereka undang. Berbagai kejadian aneh pun mereka alami disana."
Sekilas sinopsis film 'Modus Anomali' :
"Film 'Modus Anomali' bercerita tentang seorang laki-laki yang sedang berlibur dengan istri dan kedua anaknya di sebuah kabin di hutan. Mereka dikejutkan dengan kedatangan tamu yang tak mereka undang. Berbagai kejadian aneh pun mereka alami disana."
Film 'Modus Anomali' berhasil mendapat penghargaan pertama di Bucheon Award di ajang Network of Asian Fantastic Film (NAFF), yang merupakan bagian dari Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival di Korea Selatan. Film tersebut menyisihkan 23 proyek film dari negara lain termasuk Amerika Serikat, Jepang, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, dan Afrika Selatan.
Selain itu, 'Modus Anomali' juga diputar perdana di South by Southwest Film Festival (SXSW), yang merupakan festival film terbesar kedua di Amerika Serikat, pada bulan Maret lalu. Film ini mendapat ulasan yang cukup beragam dan mayoritas memuji kreativitas Joko Anwar dalam membuat cerita yang mencengangkan dan orisinil.
Penasaran dengan keanehan-keanehan dan hal-hal yang menegangkan di film 'Modus Anomali' ini? Film ini akan tayang dan diputar serentak di bioskop seluruh Indonesia mulai tanggal 26 April 2012.
Samsung E1200
Dual SIM, Samsung Guru E1200 biasa disebut. Bodi sama saja dengan Samsung E1205
![]() |
Samsung E1200 |
Dimensi | 108 x 45 x 13.6 mm |
Berat | 65 gram |
Baterai | Li-ion 800 mAh talk time up to 8.6 hours stand by up to 800 jam Up to 100 SMS storage and 200 entries of phone book capacity |
Jaringan | GSM 900/1800 Mhz Dual SIM card slot support |
Layar | 1.52 inch TFT 128 x 128 pixels |
Memori | Up to 2GB external memory support |
Fitur Lain | Polyphonic ringtones 3.5mm earphone jack Call limit and monitoring costs SOS message and Fake call India Calendar, memo, calculator Alarm clock, timer, stopwatch Handsfree and SIM-free menu access Li-ion (800mAh) battery 9 regional languages support Advanced Mobile Tracker Torchlight, 5 way navigation key |
Samsung Guru E1205
Rencana hari ini Samsung Guru E1205 akan launching ke pasaran.
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Samsung Guru E1205 |
Dimensi | 108 x 45 x 13.6 mm |
Berat | 65 gram |
Baterai | Li-ion 800 mAh talk time up to 9 hours stand by up to 34 days Up to 100 SMS storage and 200 entries of phone book capacity |
Jaringan | GSM 900/1800 Mhz |
Layar | 1.52 inch TFT 128 x 128 pixels |
Memori | Up to 2GB external memory support |
Fitur Lain | Music format: MP3, eAAC+, WAV music player FM radio facility Browser, Samsung Apps SMS support wirh SOS message Polyphonic ringtone and fake call option Calendar, memo, calculator Alarm clock, alarm clock, timer, stopwatch Offline mode and handsfree SIM-free menu access and uTrack |
DARPA releases cause of hypersonic glider anomaly

The Hypersonic Technology Vehicle-2, launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., atop a rocket and released on Aug. 11, 2011, was part of research aimed at developing super-fast global strike capability for the Department of Defense.
The vehicle demonstrated stable aerodynamically controlled flight at speeds up to 20 times the speed of sound, or Mach 20, for three minutes before a series of upsets caused its autonomous flight safety system to bring it down in the ocean, DARPA said in a statement.
A gradual wearing away of the vehicle's skin was expected because of extremely high temperatures, but an independent engineering review board concluded that the most probable cause was "unexpected aeroshell degradation, creating multiple upsets of increasing severity that ultimately activated the Flight Safety System," the statement said.
Initial shockwaves created by the gaps in the skin were more than 100 times what the vehicle was designed to withstand, but it was still able to recover and return to controlled flight, said Kaigham J. Gabriel, DARPA's acting director.
Eventually the upsets grew beyond its ability to recover.
The 2011 flight was the second time an HTV-2 was launched. The first flight, in April 2010, also ended prematurely.
Data from that flight was used to correct aerodynamic design models for the second test, resulting in controlled flight, and now data from the latest flight will be used to adjust assumptions about thermal modeling, Air Force Maj. Chris Schulz, the DARPA program manager, said in the statement.
"The result of these findings is a profound advancement in understanding the areas we need to focus on to advance aerothermal structures for future hypersonic vehicles. Only actual flight data could have revealed this to us," he said.
Most specific details of the program are secret. DARPA has released artist renderings showing a craft that looks something like the tip of a spear. After the 2011 flight the agency released handheld video, taken aboard a monitoring ship, that showed a dot streaking across the sky.
The HTV-2 would have splashed down in the ocean regardless of the anomaly. The vehicles are intended to be used once and are not recovered.
Hundreds of thousands may lose Internet in July

Unknown to most of them, their problem began when international hackers ran an online advertising scam to take control of infected computers around the world. In a highly unusual response, the FBIset up a safety net months ago using government computers to prevent Internet disruptions for those infected users. But that system is to be shut down.
The FBI is encouraging users to visit a website run by its security partner, , that will inform them whether they're infected and explain how to fix the problem. After July 9, infected users won't be able to connect to the Internet.
Most victims don't even know their computers have been infected, although the malicious software probably has slowed their web surfing and disabled their antivirus software, making their machines more vulnerable to other problems.
Last November, the FBI and other authorities were preparing to take down a hacker ring that had been running an Internet ad scam on a massive network of infected computers.
"We started to realize that we might have a little bit of a problem on our hands because ... if we just pulled the plug on their criminal infrastructure and threw everybody in jail, the victims of this were going to be without Internet service," said Tom Grasso, an FBI supervisory special agent. "The average user would open up Internet Explorer and get 'page not found' and think the Internet is broken."
On the night of the arrests, the agency brought in Paul Vixie, chairman and founder of Internet Systems Consortium, to install two Internet servers to take the place of the truckload of impounded rogue servers that infected computers were using. Federal officials planned to keep their servers online until March, giving everyone opportunity to clean their computers. But it wasn't enough time. A federal judge in New York extended the deadline until July.
Now, said Grasso, "the full court press is on to get people to address this problem." And it's up to computer users to check their PCs.
This is what happened:
Hackers infected a network of probably more than 570,000 computers worldwide. They took advantage of vulnerabilities in the Microsoft Windows operating system to install malicious software on the victim computers. This turned off antivirus updates and changed the way the computers reconcile website addresses behind the scenes on the Internet's domain name system.
The DNS system is a network of servers that translates a web address — such as — into the numerical addresses that computers use. Victim computers were reprogrammed to use rogue DNS servers owned by the attackers. This allowed the attackers to redirect computers to fraudulent versions of any website.
The hackers earned profits from advertisements that appeared on websites that victims were tricked into visiting. The scam netted the hackers at least $14 million, according to the FBI. It also made thousands of computers reliant on the rogue servers for their Internet browsing.
When the FBI and others arrested six Estonians last November, the agency replaced the rogue servers with Vixie's clean ones. Installing and running the two substitute servers for eight months is costing the federal government about $87,000.
The number of victims is hard to pinpoint, but the FBI believes that on the day of the arrests, at least 568,000 unique Internet addresses were using the rogue servers. Five months later, FBI estimates that the number is down to at least 360,000. The U.S. has the most, about 85,000, federal authorities said. Other countries with more than 20,000 each include Italy, India, England and Germany. Smaller numbers are online in Spain, France, Canada, China and Mexico.
Vixie said most of the victims are probably individual home users, rather than corporations that have technology staffs who routinely check the computers.
FBI officials said they organized an unusual system to avoid any appearance of government intrusion into the Internet or private computers. And while this is the first time the FBI used it, it won't be the last.
"This is the future of what we will be doing," said Eric Strom, a unit chief in the FBI's Cyber Division. "Until there is a change in legal system, both inside and outside the United States, to get up to speed with the cyber problem, we will have to go down these paths, trail-blazing if you will, on these types of investigations."
Now, he said, every time the agency gets near the end of a cyber case, "we get to the point where we say, how are we going to do this, how are we going to clean the system" without creating a bigger mess than before.
To check and clean computers:
After 4-month surge, gas prices start falling
NEW YORK (AP) — The worst appears to be over. Gasoline pricesare going down.
After a four-month surge pushed gasoline to nearly $4 per gallon in early April, drivers, politicians and economists worried that prices might soar past all-time highs, denting wallets, angering voters and dragging down an economy that is struggling to grow.
Instead, pump prices have dropped 6 cents over two weeks to a national average on Friday of $3.88. Experts say gasoline could fall another nickel or more next week.
Drivers might also get to say something they haven't since October 2009 — they're paying less at the pump than they did a year ago.
"It's nice, much more manageable," said Mark Timko, who paid less than $4 per gallon Wednesday in the Chicago suburb of Burr Ridge, Ill., for the first time since March. "I wasn't sure how high they were going to go this year."
Gasoline prices are lower than they were a year ago in 11 states, according to the Oil Price Information Service. At $3.88, the national average is still high, but it's down from a peak of $3.94. Predictions of $5 gasoline earlier this year have — mercifully — evaporated.
Tom Kloza, publisher and chief oil analyst at Oil Price Information Service, expects gasoline prices to drop to just above $3.80 by late next week. Stuart Hoffman, chief economist at PNC Financial Services Group, said the falling prices will put more money into the economy for Americans to spend elsewhere.
A 10-cent drop in gasoline prices would mean drivers would have an extra $37 million per day to spend on other things.
Gasoline prices have been pushed high by crude prices that have averaged $104 per barrel this year. World oil demand is expected to set a record this year and a series of production outages around the world have kept supplies low.
Oil rose to $110 as the West tightened sanctions on Iran in an effort to make it harder for that country to sell oil and pressure it to abandon its nuclear ambitions. Fears that retaliation by Iran could disrupt Middle Eastern supplies pushed oil prices up by as much as $15 per barrel, experts say.
Closer to home, there were concerns about restricted supplies of gasoline on the East Coast after three refineries closed and two more were set to be shuttered. Gasoline futures prices, which are quickly reflected in pump prices, rose to their highest levels in nearly a year.
But several factors have contributed to the lower prices at the pump:
— Oil prices have fallen in recent weeks. Iran and the West are negotiating, the growth in demand for oil has moderated, and world oil supplies are rising again thanks to more production from Saudi Arabia, Libya and the United States. Oil has fallen to $103.05 per barrel, down from a peak of $110.55 on March 1.
— Potential buyers for the two East Coast refineries have emerged, so they are now expected to stay open.
— U.S. drivers have gotten frugal at the gas pump. Gasoline demand has dropped by about 6 percent, compared with the same period last year, according to the latest government data.
In response, gasoline futures have since dropped by 8 percent. That's expected to cut the price of wholesale gasoline, and those savings will be passed on at the pump.
Prices are not expected to plummet. Even if the Iran situation were totally resolved — an unlikely event — analysts say oil would not fall much below $90 per barrel.
And there's a possibility prices could still reverse themselves. Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, inflamed Middle East tensions or fighting in a major oil-producing country like Iran or Nigeria could reduce supplies. A surge in world economic growth could increase demand.
Gasoline prices rise nearly every spring, and often peak in May.
This year, they're falling a little earlier, and motorists are already making summer vacation plans.
Timko was going to take the train to Washington. D.C., this June with his wife. With gas prices down by about 40 cents per gallon — and more importantly below $4 — in their neighborhood, they've decided to drive instead.
"Under $4 makes a big difference," he said. "Just from a perception standpoint."
Norwegian gunman describes hunting down teenagers
OSLO, Norway (AP) — Norwegians who lost loved ones on Utoya island relived the horror Friday as far-right fanatic Anders Behring Breivik described in harrowing detail how he gunned down teenagers as they fled in panic or froze before him, paralyzed with fear.
Survivors and victims' relatives hugged and sobbed, trying to comfort each other during the graphic testimony.
"I'm going back to my hometown tonight. My husband, he's going to drive me out to the sea, and I'm going to take a walk there and I'm going to scream my head off," said Christin Bjelland, whose teenage son survived the attack.
Breivik's defense lawyers had warned their client's testimony would be difficult to hear. Still, the shock was palpable in the 200-seat courtroom as the self-styled anti-Islamic militant rolled out his gruesome account, without any sign of emotion.
A man who lost a son squeezed his eyes shut, his pain palpable. A man to his left put a comforting hand to his shoulder, while a woman to his right clutched onto him, resting her forehead against his arm.
Tore Sinding Bekkedal, a 24-year-old survivor of the massacre, left the courtroom during Breivik's testimony.
"I could not care less about what he says or the way he says it," Bekkedal said. "I do not care about him as a person."
Breivik has confessed to the July 22 bombing-and-shooting rampage that killed 77 people — 69 on Utoya and eight in Oslo. But he rejects criminal guilt, saying the victims had betrayed Norway by embracing "Islamic colonization."
Looking tense but focused, Breivik spoke calmly about the shooting rampage, beginning with a ferry ride to the island, where the governing Labor Party holds its annual summer youth camp. He was disguised as a policeman, carrying a rifle and a handgun. He also brought drinking water because he knew he would become parched from the stress of killing people.
Breivik's first victims were Monica Boesei, a camp organizer, and Trond Bentsen, an off-duty police officer and camp security guard.
"My whole body tried to revolt when I took the weapon in my hand. There were 100 voices in may head saying 'Don't do it, don't do it,'" Breivik said.
Nonetheless, he pointed his gun at Berntsen's head and pulled the trigger. He shot Boesei as she tried to run away. Then as they lay on the ground, he shot them both twice in the head.
Breivik said the first shots pushed him into a "fight-and-flight" mode that made it easier to continue killing.
He couldn't remember large chunks of the 90 minutes he spent on the island before surrendering to police commandos. But he recalled some shootings in great detail, including inside a cafe where he mowed down young victims as they pleaded for their lives.
Some teenagers were frozen in panic, unable to move even when Breivik ran out of ammunition. He changed clips. They didn't move. He shot them in the head.
"They cannot run. They stand totally still. This is something they never show on TV," Breivik said. "It was very strange."
The main goal of the trial, now in its fifth day, is to determine whether Breivik was sane or insane — two medical evaluations have come to opposite conclusions.
"He's completely emotionless," said Paal Groendal, a psychologist who watched Friday's hearing but was not among those who examined the confessed killer.
"He remembers details about smashed windows. But he doesn't remember if it was a boy or girl he shot. .... It seems like he doesn't remember people. To him they are details," Groendal said.
Breivik hunted down victims, luring teens from their hiding places by telling them he was a police officer who was there to protect them. When they came out, he gunned them down.
He said his goal was to kill all of the nearly 600 people on the island. He said he had considered wearing a swastika to instill fear, but decided against it because he didn't want people to think he was a Nazi.
"You will die today Marxists," Breivik recalled shouting.
One man tried to attack him. "I push him away with one hand, and shoot him with the other," Breivik said.
Another man tried to "dodge the bullets by moving in zigzag, so that I couldn't shoot him in the head," he said. "So I shot him in the body instead, quite a few times."
Breivik said he deliberately used "technical" language in order to keep his composure.
"These are gruesome acts, barbaric acts," he said. "If I had tried to use a more normal language I don't think I would have been able to talk about it at all."
Earlier, Breivik said he took to the Internet to glean information, studying attacks by al-Qaida militants, Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh and the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.
He paid particular attention to the World Trade Center bombing in New York and McVeigh's 1995 attack on an Oklahoma City government building, which killed 168 people and injured over 600.
Breivik said he also read more than 600 bomb-making guides.
He called al-Qaida "the most successful revolutionary movement in the world" and said it should serve as an inspiration to far-right militants, even though their goals are different.
"I have studied each one of their actions, what they have done wrong, what they have done right," Breivik said of al-Qaida. "We want to create a European version of al-Qaida."
Breivik claims to belong to an anti-Muslim network called the "Knights Templar," which prosecutors say they don't believe exists.
If declared sane, Breivik could face a maximum 21-year prison sentence or an alternate custody arrangement that would keep him locked up as long as he is considered a menace to society. If found insane, he would be committed to psychiatric care for as long as he's considered ill.
Pakistani plane carrying 127 crashes amid storm

The government said there appeared to be no survivors in the crash of the Boeing 737-200 near Benazir Bhutto International Airport — the second major air disaster in the Pakistani capital in less than two years.
Sobbing relatives of those aboard the Bhoja Air flight from Karachi to Islamabad rushed to airports in both cities for news of their loved ones.
One rescue official asked residents to bring sheets to cover the remains of the dead, and smashed seats and other wreckage was spread over a wide area near the airport, along with clothing and jewelry belonging to passengers.
Bhoja Air, a domestic carrier that has just four planes, only resumed operations last month after suspending them in 2001 due to financial difficulties.
Bhoja administrative director Javed Ishaq told reporters and relatives of those on board that the jet was in good condition and was brought down by "heavy winds."
"The aircraft was in good shape. This came from God," said Ishaq, speaking at the airport in Karachi, Pakistan's largest city. As he spoke, relatives of those aboard who had come to the airport jeered him and demanded to be flown to Islamabad to collect the bodies of their loved ones.
The plane had been given clearance to land, said an air traffic controller who did not give his name because he was not authorized to speak to the media. A violent thunderstorm was lashing Islamabad at the time of the crash, about 6:40 p.m. local time.
"It was really bad weather for a flight," said navy Capt. Arshad Mahmood, who lives near the crash site. "The pilot was forced to move down to avoid clouds that were generating the lightning and thunder."
Islamabad police chief Bani Yameen said nobody on the ground was reported killed, "but apparently all on board perished." Civil aviation officials also said survivors were highly unlikely, according to Defense Minister Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar.
"My brother's wife was on board this flight," said Naveed Khan. "We pray for the departed souls. What else can we do now?"
TV footage showed wreckage that included parts of what looked like an engine and a wing against the wall of a small building. Rescuers worked in the dark, with many using flashlights as they combed the area. Fleets of ambulances arrived later, their lights flashing in the gloom.
Several farmers threshing wheat in the field nearby said they saw the aircraft burst into flames when it hit the ground.
"The flames leapt up like they were touching the sky," said Mohammad Zubair.
The army declared an emergency and cordoned off the crash site.
"I saw nothing but body parts and twisted metal on the ground when I reached the scene," said resident named Mustafa, who did not identify himself further.
He said residents collected the remains of the dead "and bundled them in cloth sheets like we collect grain."
In a statement, the Boeing Co. extended its condolences to the families of the victims and offered technical assistance to Pakistan's Civil Aviation Authority in investigating the crash.
The last major plane crash in the country — and Pakistan's worst — occurred in July 2010 when an Airbus A321 aircraft operated by domestic carrier Airblue crashed into the hills overlooking Islamabad, killing all 152 people aboard. A government investigation blamed the pilot for veering off course amid stormy weather.
Bhoja Air started domestic operations in Pakistan in 1993 and eventually expanded to international flights to the United Arab Emirates in 1998. The company suspended operations in 2001 due to financial difficulties but resumed them in 2012.
Romney: I’ll build Keystone pipeline even ‘if I have to do it myself’

"I will build that pipeline if I have to do it myself," Romney said during a speech before state Republican Party leaders gathered at a retreat in Arizona.
It was Romney's first major appearance before party officials as the party's presumptive presidential nominee. But Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus, who was chairing the event, stopped short of formally endorsing the former Massachusetts governor as the GOP nominee, because Romney has not officially clinched the necessary number of delegates required to claim the nomination.
Romney, who took the stage to a standing ovation, delivered essentially the same speech he has given for the last two days, attacking President Barack Obama on everything from his handling of the economy to his policies on energy, health care and education.
"The president has failed," Romney said.
He took specific aim at the Democratic Party's ties to labor unions, accusing Obama of putting union heads above the needs of the American people.
"That's where they get their money," Romney said. "And that's where they pay obedience."
He accused Obama of setting the country back on foreign policy, including in the Middle East where he said the president had jeopardized the U.S.'s relationship with Israel.
John Goodman, polo tycoon, ordered to pay $46 million to parents of manslaughter victim
John Goodman (not the actor) has been ordered to pay $46 million to the parents of a 23-year-old man, Scott Wilson, whom Goodman killed while driving under the influence.
The case made headlines because Goodman, the founder of the International Polo Club Palm Beach, attempted to avoid paying the settlement by legally adopting his 42-year-old girlfriend, Heather
Hutchins, as his daughter. Prosecuting lawyers argued that Goodman, the heir of an air conditioning fortune, was attempting to shield his substantial assets. The adoption entitled Hutchins to a third of his children's $300 million trust. Lawyers for Goodman's two biological children filed a lawsuit in response to their father's actions.Of course, there is also a criminal case. Goodman faces up to 30 years in prison for manslaughter and leaving the scene of an accident. He was found guilty last month, but Goodman's legal team is currently seeking a new trial for its client. The team alleges jury misconduct and claims that an alternate juror called one of Goodman's attorneys and said that it was "clear" that other jurors thought Goodman guilty before the trial concluded.
Goodman's team also alleged that two jurors "made false statements in order to cover up a juror's 'prejudicial gesture' and that the same juror improperly began writing a book about the case during the trial."
Goodman claimed that his $200,000 car malfunctioned and lurched forward, which caused him to plow into the victim's car, pushing it and Wilson into a nearby canal. Wilson drowned. Goodman denied being drunk at the time of the accident. However, experts testified that Goodman's blood alcohol level was more than twice Florida's legal limit three hours after the crash.
Goodman faces sentencing on April 30.
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Tips Berwisata Ke Pulau Weh
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Jalan-Jalan di Pulau Weh |
Pulau Weh merupakan bagian terbesar Kota Sabang dari pulau-pulau kecil lainnya di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Pulau paling ujung barat Indonesia ini menawarkan eksotisme wisata bahari yang tak kalah dengan tempat-tempat lainnya di Indonesia. Namun, minimnya informasi membuat wisatawan ragu untuk mengeksplorasi keindahan alam di sana.
Untuk itu, kami yang berkesempatan berada di pulau seluas 60 kilometer persegi ini selama 3 hari 2 malam, akan memberikan beberapa panduan bagi anda.
Akses menuju Pulau Weh
Meskipun berstatus kota paling ujung barat di Indonesia, akses menuju pulau tersebut tidak lah sulit. Dari pelabuhan di Kota Banda Aceh, terdapat dua jenis kapal yang biasa mengangkut orang atau barang untuk menyeberang, kapal cepat dan kapal lambat.
Kapal cepat memiliki dua buah, satu berangkat dari Banda Aceh, sementara satunya lagi berangkat dari Pulau Weh. Waktu keberangkatan pun hanya dua kali tiap harinya, pagi pukul 08.00 WIB dan sore pukul 16.00 WIB dengan harga Rp 65.000 per kepala.
Untuk kapal lambat, penyeberangan dari Banda Aceh ke Pulau Weh juga ada setiap hari. Hari Senin, Selasa, dan Kamis pukul 13.00 kecuali Jumat pukul 14.00, sementara hari Rabu, Sabtu dan Minggu pukul 11.00 dan pukul 16.00.
Mau menginap di mana?
Pembangunan Pulau Weh sudah cukup baik. Jadi jangan khawatir dengan akomodasi penginapan. Hampir di setiap obyek wisata memiliki penginapan dengan harga bervariasi. Mulai dari Rp 100.000 per malam hingga Rp 1 juta, tergantung dari kemampuan kantong anda.
Seluruh penginapan di Pulau Weh pun telah memiliki fasilitas cukup untuk beristirahat, seperti tempat tidur bersih, air conditioner serta restoran bagi para pengunjung, bahkan di beberapa penginapan, ada fasilitas internet gratis. Jadi, jangan takut liburan anda menjadi tak nyaman karena fasilitas akomodasi yang kurang.
Miliki peta obyek wisata
Pada saat anda bersandar di Pelabuhan Sabang, mintalah peta obyek wisata kepada petugas. Pulau Weh memang bukan pulau besar, namun informasi tentang letak obyek wisata serta kelebihannya menjadi penting untuk kita ketahui sebelumnya. Gunanya, agar bisa menghemat waktu dengan membuat jadwal destinasi wisata sesuai dengan jarak yang terdekat hingga yang terjauh. Selain itu, anda juga bisa mempersiapkan perlengkapan yang dibutuhkan sesuai dengan tujuan wisata anda.
Transportasi mahal
Dari pusat kota Sabang, akses transportasi menuju tempat-tempat wisata tergolong sulit dan mahal. Hal tersebut dikarenakan angkutan umum yang biasa dinamakan labi-labi tidak memiliki rute khusus. Ia hanya mengangkut dan mengantarkan penumpang ke tempat tujuan. Selain itu, angkutan jenis itu hanya ada sampai pukul 19.00 WIB.
Namun jangan khawatir. Bagi anda yang ingin lebih fleksibel dalam menjelajahi Pulau Weh, ada penduduk yang menyediakan mobil minibus sewaan dengan harga sekitar Rp 250.000 hingga Rp 300.000 per harinya lengkap dengan pengemudinya.
Bagaimana masyarakat di Pulau Weh?
Jika dibandingkan dengan kota lain di Aceh, Sabang dapat dikategorikan sebagai pulau yang tak kentara penerapan Perda Syariahnya. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari kebebasan wisatawan, baik asing maupun lokal dalam mengenakan busana. Meski demikian, sebagai wisatawan cerdas yang respek dengan kebudayaan lokal, sudah sepantasnya kita menghargai masyarakat Pulau Weh yang mayoritas beragama Islam.
Seorang pemandu wisata mengingatkan kepada penulis bahwa pada dasarnya, antara tamu dengan tuan rumah harus saling menghormati.