Sunday, February 26, 2012
VLC Portable
VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVD, Audio CD, VCD, and various streaming protocols.
Detail you can visit
Download: V.
Investment Grade, Ini Kata Bank Sentral
VIVAnews - Bank Indonesia menyatakan status investmet grade yang diberikat Moody's Investors Service menguatkan pengakuan dunia terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia yang baik. Apalagi pencapaian ini diperoleh saat terjadi ketidakpastian ekonomi dunia.
"Saya yakin ekonomi Indonesia akan mencapai kinerja yang lebih baik lagi di tahun 2012," kata Gubernur Bank Indonesia Darmin Nasution dalam keterangan resmi, Rabu 18 Januari 2012.
Lembaga pemeringkat Moody's hari ini menaikkan peringkat surat utang pemerintah Indonesia dari Ba1 menjadi Baa3. Dengan demikian Indonesia telah mendapatkan peringkat investment grade dari dua lembaga dunia, yaitu Moodys dan Fitch Ratings.
Peringkat ini ditetapkan sebulan setelah lembaga pemeringkat Fitch Ratings memberi gelar investment grade pada Desember lalu. Fitch telah menaikkan peringkat long term foreign dan local currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDR) Indonesia dari BB+ menjadi BBB- dengan outlook stabil.
"Kenaikan peringkat ini mencerminkan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang kuat dan resilien, rasio utang publik yang rendah dan terus menurun, likuiditas eksternal yang menguat, serta kerangka kebijakan makro yang hati-hati," kata Grup Direktur Fitch's Asia-Pacific Sovereign Ratings, Philip McNicholas, Desember lalu.
Megawati Pusing Ikuti Isu BBM
Dahlan: BUMN Tidak Boleh Ketinggalan
VIVAnews - Naiknya peringkat Indonesia menjadi investment grade oleh lembaga pemeringkat Fitch Ratings harus dapat dimanfaatkan perusahaan milik negara.
"BUMN tidak boleh ketinggalan dan mengabaikan peluang ini," kata Menteri Negara BUMN Dahlan Iskan di Jakarta, Jumat 16 Desember 2011.
BUMN, kata Dahlan, harus bisa memanfaatkan peringkat investment grade untuk perusahaannya sendiri. Menurut dia, percuma jika Indonesia termasuk negara tujuan investasi namun investastor tidak mau masuk karena tidak ada infrastruktur yang memadai.
Karena itu, Dahlan mendorong beberapa proyek infrastruktur dasar agar segera diselesaikan, sehingga investor asing yang masuk ke Indonesia tidak kecewa. Beberapa proyek tersebut di antaranya pelabuhan Kalibaru, Pelabuhan Sawit di Kualanamu, dan Pelabuhan Kuala Tanjung, dan Pelabuhan Sorong.
Dahlan menjelaskan, Indonesia saat ini termasuk dalam negara termahal dalam hal ongkos logistik akibat infrastruktur yang kurang siap. Dengan perbaikan infrastruktur ini diharapkan BUMN dapat menurunkan biaya logistik. Selain pelabuhan, Dahlan juga mendorong agar infrastruktur seperti tangki apung raksasa LNG dan pipa trans Jawa sudah dapat selesai dalam 2,5 tahun mendatang.
"Investasi tidak akan mau masuk kalau tidak ada gas, pelabuhan tidak cukup, biaya logistik mahal. BUMN bisa bantu negara untuk turunkan biaya logistik karena pelabuhan, bandara, dan pipa gas merupakan kerjaan BUMN," katanya.
Dahlan juga membuka kesempatan kepada swasta agar masuk dalam pembangunan infrastruktur. "Namun BUMN tidak boleh menunggu, harus berlomba dengan swasta," kata mantan Dirut PLN ini.
Waterfox 10.0.2 [x64]
Changes in source:
- Add-ons installed by third party programs are now disabled by default
- Added a one-time add-on selection dialog to manage previously installed add-ons
- Added Twitter to the search bar for select locales. Additional locale support will be added in the future
- Added a preference to load tabs on demand, improving start-up time when windows are restored
- Improved performance and memory handling when using <audio> and <video> elements
- Added CORS support for cross-domain textures in WebGL
- Added support for HTML5 context menus
- Added support for insertAdjacentHTML
- Improved CSS hyphen support for many languages
- Improved WebSocket support
- Fixed several stability issues
- Fixed several security issues
- MFSA 2012-11 libpng integer overflow (Critical: Vulnerability can be used to run attacker code and install software, requiring no user interaction beyond normal browsing.)
- Waterfox 10.0.2 (16.5 MB)
- [Mirror]
Skin Pack and Transformation Pack Windows 8 for Windows 7 (x86 / x64) | Android Skin Pack for Windows 7
Di atas adalah versi Windows 8, dan yang sedang Anda baca ini adalah Skin Pack Android untuk mengubah tampilan Windows 7 Anda ke tampilan Android. Saya sengaja memposting dua materi dalam satu postingan karena ada pepatah mengatakan "menyelam sambil minum susu" dan "sekali mendayung dua, tiga software didapatkan" ^_^, sama seperti anjuran saya di atas, bila Anda ingin kembali ke versi Windows 7 gunakan uninstaller manager untuk uninstall Skin Pack.
Apakah Anda bingung ingin download yang mana? Tak perlu bingung, Anda download saja semua. ^_^
- Skin Pack Windows 8 v11 [x86/ 32-bit] (24.8 MB)
- [Mirror]
- Skin Pack Windows 8 v11 [x64/ 64-bit] (24.8 MB)
- [Mirror]
- Transformation Pack Windows 8 v2 [x86 | x64] (58.3 MB)
- [Mirror]
- Android Skin Pack v1 [x86/ 32-bit] (26.4 MB)
- [Mirror]
- Android Skin Pack v1 [x64/ 64-bit] (26.5 MB)
- [Mirror]
Super Hide IP Full Version + Crack
Super Hide IP Full Version + Crack adalah aplikasi yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menyembunyikan IP address Anda saat sedang berselancar di dunia internet. Menggunakan Super Hide IP terbaru 2012 merupakan salah satu yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk mencegah serangan hacker ke pada Anda saat Anda tengah asyik mengunjungi website yang banyak jebakan script dll.
Key Features:
- Anonymous Web Surfing. Click Hide IP button and you will be assigned fake IP addresses, preventing others from getting your true IP when surfing the Internet.
- Protect Your Identity. Surf anonymously to prevent hackers or identity thieves from monitoring your web activity or intercepting your personal information such as your financial information.
- Choose IP Country. You can select to use fake IP from different countries via "Choose IP Country" option and can Check IP directly.
- Send Anonymous E-mails. Hide your IP in E-mail headers. Be protected while sending e-mails via Yahoo!, Hotmail, GMail.
- Un-ban Yourself from Forums and Restricted Websites. Use Super Hide IP to change your IP which allows you to access any forums or websites that has ever banned you.
- Platform: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
WinPatrol 2012 PLUS 24.3.2012.0 Full Version Keygen/ Patch/ Crack
WinPatrol 2012 PLUS 24.3.2012.0 Full Version Keygen adalah aplikasi kecil yang dapat membantu anda me-monitoring, menghentikan dan menghapus program aplikasi yang dapat membahayakan komputer Anda baik itu karena terdapat adware, spyware, virus, trojan, dll mulai dari folder program file hingga registry.
- Removing and Disabling Startup Programs
- IE Helpers - Browser Helper Objects - Toolbars
- Scheduled Tasks
- Services Manager
- Removing Active Tasks
- Expose Hidden Files
- Cookie Management and Filtering
- Monitoring and Restoring File Type Associations
- Options - Host File/Start Page Monitoring
- Dealing with Repeating Alerts
- WinPatrol's Frequently Asked Questions
- Upgrade to WinPatrol PLUS
Auto Hide IP Full Version Crack/ Patch
Sama halnya dengan Super Hide IP Full Version + Crack, Auto Hide IP Full Version Crack/ Patch adalah aplikasi yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menyembunyikan IP address Anda saat sedang berselancar di dunia internet. Menggunakan
Auto Hide IP terbaru 2012 merupakan salah satu yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk mencegah serangan hacker ke pada Anda saat Anda tengah asyik mengunjungi website yang banyak jebakan script dll.
Key Features:
- Anonymous Web Surfing. Click Hide IP button and you will be assigned fake IP addresses, preventing others from getting your true IP when surfing the Internet.
- Protect Your Identity. Surf anonymously to prevent hackers or identity thieves from monitoring your web activity or intercepting your personal information such as your financial information.
- Choose IP Country. You can select to use fake IP from different countries via "Choose IP Country" option and can Check IP directly.
- Send Anonymous E-mails. Hide your IP in E-mail headers. Be protected while sending e-mails via Yahoo!, Hotmail, GMail.
- Un-ban Yourself from Forums and Restricted Websites. Use Super Hide IP to change your IP which allows you to access any forums or websites that has ever banned you.
- Platform: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
- Auto Hide IP + Crack (6 MB)
Spyware Terminator Premium 2012 Full Version Patch/ Crack/ Keygen
Spyware Terminator Premium 2012 Full Version Patch adalah aplikasi yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mencegah dan menghapus spyware dari komputer Anda. Pentingkah aplikasi seperti ini terpasang di komputer kita? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut tentu saja Anda harus tahu dulu apa itu spyware, Spyware adalah program yang dibuat oleh orang lain dan dikirim ke komputer kita dengan tujuan mencuri data dan informasi penting Anda. Bagaimana orang lain bisa mengirim spyware ke komputer kita? Mau tahu jawabannya? Tanya saja pada si pengirim ^_^.
- Antispyware
- Antispyware real-time protection
- Antivirus scanner
- Antivirus real-time protection
- Automatic update
- High priority updates
- Advanced security tools
- Host Intrusion Prevention System
- Spyware Scanner: Microsoft® Windows® XP 32-bit, Windows® XP 64-bit, Windows Vista® 32-bit, Windows Vista® 64-bit, Windows® 7 32-bit and Windows® 7 64-bit
- Real-time Protection: Windows® XP 32-bit, Windows Vista® 32-bit, Windows Vista® 64-bit, Windows® 7 32-bit and Windows® 7 64-bit
- Inrtall program hingga selesai
- Tutup program dari desktop dan tray icon
- Copy patch ke C:\Program files\Spyware Terminator
- Jalankan Patch dan klik patch
- Selesai
Animated Wallpaper Maker 3.0.4 Full Version Serial Number / Key
- Free to try. Just download and install our trial version. No fee, no registration needed. Evaluate animated wallpapers on your desktop right now!
- Realistic live animation effects. Animated Wallpaper Maker uses up-to-date computer graphic effects for the best picture quality.
- Low resource requirements. Our software was designed to work jointly with office and home software without slowing it down.
- Wallpaper slideshow mode. Animated Wallpaper Maker can operate as wallpaper changer with a smooth fade in/fade out effect.
- Windows XP/Vista/7 support. Animated wallpapers work correctly in Windows 7, XP, and Vista.
- Instant support. All registered users are provided with priority technical support. Feel free to contact us with any software-related questions.
Auslogics BoostSpeed Full Version + Crack
Auslogics BoostSpeed dapat:
- Mulai program lebih cepat.
- Mempercepat waktu mulai komputer.
- Meningkatkan kecepatan Internet, mengoptimalkan Internet Explorer, Firefox dan e-mail program.
- Meningkatkan Kecepatan dengan membersihkan disk dan Registry untuk mempercepat komputer Anda dan tweak Windows untuk kinerja puncaknya.
- Memodifikasi pengaturan Windows, file sistem dan jasa untuk lebih meningkatkan kinerja sistem.
- Anda juga dapat menjalankan Wizard Optimasi Sistem untuk mengoptimalkan PC Anda secara berkala.
- BoostSpeed Integrator. BoostSpeed Integrator provides you with computer optimization and security summary, prompting you to take actions when needed. Use Tasks menu on the left to launch various BoostSpeed tools to clean-up, optimize and secure your computer.
- Disk Defrag. A new and improved version of Disk Defrag is now part of Auslogics BoostSpeed. You don't need to have Disk Defrag installed as a separate program anymore. Simply download and install new Auslogics BoostSpeed 4 and enjoy an integrated version of Disk Defrag on your computer.
- Speed Up Internet. Internet Optimization wizard is now easier to use, provides more information and is more powerful than before. Unlike other similar programs, Auslogics Internet Optimizer will first test your connection settings before applying any changes.
- One-Button Checkup. If you don't have time to go through many tools in Auslogics BoostSpeed, but need a quick fix of major problems, use One-Button Checkup instead. This safe and fast program will clean and optimize your disk and the registry, as well as protect your computer.
- Disk Cleaner. Disk Cleaner, Registry Cleaner and Track Eraser are all built to scan and clean your computer, removing junk files, broken registry keys and sensitive information. Novice users will find them easy to use, and power users will be delighted by the amount of customization available.
- Uninstall Manager. The new version features greatly improved Uninstall and Startup Managers. Both can be used to improve your computer performance. Both have an edge over standard Windows tools and competitors by rating your software and giving you a Vista-style quick search.
- Tweak Manager. You can speed up, optimize and customize your computer, web browser, e-mail client and IM software using our award-winning Auslogics Tweak Manager. It allows you to search for tweaks, to see tweak rating (telling you how much effect a tweak has on your computer performance).
- Compatible with Windows XP/ Vista/ 7 (32-bit & 64-bit).
- Installation: removed InstallMonetizer promotion
- Disk Defrag: re-enabled an option to change computer idle time before starting autodefragmentation
- Internet Optimizer: improved the algorithm to increase stability
- Cleaners: added a checkbox to the scan results page that allows to archive deleted data
- Task Manager: improved the "Run Program... " drop-down list. Now the list displays previously entered paths and available paths
- Task Manager: improved the application kill warning. Also improved design and added an option to display the list of locked files
- Task Manager: added a PID column
- Disk Wiper: now the checkbox to turn off computer is available when running the check
- Service Manager: added a multiple selection option that allows to perform tasks for several services at once
- Integrator: added a drop-down menu to the Scan button ("Scan and Repair", "Scan, Repair and Power Down", etc.)
- Integrator: added options to "Select All", "Deselect All", and "Cancel Selection" to the list of advice
- All programs: fixed form positioning bug that occurred when a user disabled additional monitors
- All programs: improved stability
- All programs: fixed bugs
- Disconnect dari internet
- Install Program
- Tutup program dan exit program dari tray icon task bar
- Copy and replace file crack ke C:/ Program Filds/ Auslogics/ Auslogics BoostSpeed
- Selesai.
Auslogics File Recovery Full Version Cracked License File
Dengan Auslogics File Recovery Full Version Cracked License File Anda dapat mengembalikan data yang terhapus atau terformat dari Harddisk, USB Flashdisk, SD Card, Flash Card atau USB Stick dengan cepat dan mudah. Auslogics File Recovery 2012 terbaru Full Version dapat mengembalikan data Anda dengan cepat dan mudah dengan mendukung sistem NTFS, FAT 16/ 32, dan exFAT.
Auslogics File Recovery Features:
- License for 3 PCs
- Retrieve all file types
- Works with Windows 7, Vista and XP
- Recover deleted files from all storage devices
- Supports all major file systems
- Recovery Wizard for quick results
- Advanced Filter to sort deleted files
- Deep Scan that allows to scan cluster by cluster
- Option to preview before retrieving deleted files
- Recovers files deleted using Shift+Delete
- Save deleted files on any accessible drive
- Sort deleted files by name, date, size or file type
- Identify and retrieve deleted files based on their unique signature
- View deleted files based on their original file and folder structure
- Recover files from formatted partitions, even after reinstalling Windows
- Recover deleted files from SATA, SCSI and IDE drives
- Recover deleted files from SD, XD and MMC memory cards
- Restore deleted files files from USB, FireWire Drives and iPods
- Restore deleted files files from FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, NTFS5, ExtFAT file systems
- Windows 7/2008/Vista/2003/XP (32-bit & 64-bit)
- 15 MB available hard disk space
- 256 MB RAM
- Install program hingga selesai
- Tutup program
- Disconnect dari internet
- Copy file crack yang berbentuk licenses x86.reg (bagi windows 64-bit), atau licenses x64.reg (bagi windows 64-bit) ke C\Program Files\Auslogics File Recovery
- Jalankan crack file licenses yang telah Anda copy dan pilih ok
- Selesai, dan kini Anda dapat menggunakan aplikasi ini.
MediaMonkey Gold Full Version + Serial Number / Key
MediaMonkey Gold Full Version + Serial Number / Key adalah program aplikasi yang memungkinkan Anda untuk memutar media, manajemen musik, dan kolektor musik yang Anda sukai. MediaMonkey Gold memiliki banyak keunggulan dari pada versi free, sehingga Anda dapat berkreasi dan menikmati musik Anda.
Gold Features:
• Audio / Music Manager
• Media Player (play MP3, OGG, WMA etc.)
• Equalizer / DSP Effects / Volume Leveler
• Party Mode & Auto-DJ
• CD Ripper: Encode MP3, OGG, WMA, FLAC
• Audio Converter
• Auto Renamer / File Organizer
• Auto Tag Editor with Album Art Lookup
• Find Duplicate Tracks and Missing Tags
• Playlist Manager (auto music mixes)
• Generate reports and statistics
• Customization via scripts
• iPod and MP3 Player Synchronization
• Integrated CD/DVD Burner (Audio & Data) (up to 48x) (up to 4x)
• File Monitor (automatically updates library)
• Advanced Searches and AutoPlaylists
• Advanced Portable Device Synchronization with on-the-fly format conversion
• Unlimited MP3 encoding
• Virtual CD / Previews
• Advanced Filters
• Sleep Timer
What's New in MediaMonkey 4:
- Video support. MediaMonkey 4 extends it's functionality to the realm of Video (AVI, MP4, WMV, etc.). It plays, syncs, tags, and organizes video files in the same way that it does for Audio.
- Collections. MediaMonkey 4 makes it easy to manage multiple collections from a single UI. Whether they are Classical music collections, Movie Collections, Music Video Collections, etc. MediaMonkey provides a single UI from which all of these can be easily accessed and managed. This functionality is based on the rudimentary 'Filter' functionality that existed in version 3.
- Sharing. MediaMonkey 4 allows you to share collections via industry-standard UPnP/DLNA so that your xBox, PS3, or DLNA-enabled television can play your music and videos. Similarly, MediaMonkey can now access UPnP devices to play content that might be shared by a UPnP server. In addition, the included download manager lets you quickly download content stored on other web sites.
- Automatic synchronization. MediaMonkey 4 adds support for a variety of devices, so that transferring media is simply a matter of connecting. Device 'Profiles' further improve the sync experience, by automatically configuring MediaMonkey with sync settings optimized for the device in question. Supported devices include iPhone, iPad, iPod, Blackberry, Android, and others.
- New audio system. MediaMonkey 4 now offers higher quality / lower latency audio, via the Windows Audio Session API.
- Portable mode. MediaMonkey 4 can now be run from a USB device so that you can take it, along with your music collection, to whatever Windows PC you're using.
- Secure ripping. MediaMonkey 4 adds secure ripping to ensure that CDs are copied with the greatest accuracy possible by slowing down the discs rotational speed whenever inaccuracies are detected. Furthermore, the final product is compared to an AccurateRip database to verify integrity.
- Easier than ever. MediaMonkey 4 adds a whole slew of usability improvements making it easier to use than ever before. These include: an installation wizard, automated download of languages / codecs, tabbed UI, contextual toolbar, integrated file monitoring, new skins, etc.
- Tons of Bug Fixes. MediaMonkey 4 includes hundreds of major and minor bug fixes, including resolution to a recent problem in MediaMonkey 3.x related to auto-tagging via Amazon.
Kementerian PU: Kontraktor Bertanggung Jawab
Lagu Terbaru SMASH 2012
Alasan Pemerintah Stop Ekspor Rotan
ESDM: Indonesia Tak Terpengaruh Selat Hormuz
Pengamat: Kenaikan Harga BBM Pilihan Logis
ImTOO Video Converter Ultimate Full Version Serial Number/ Key + Patch / Crack
ImTOO Video Converter Ultimate Full Version Serial Number/ Key + Patch / Crack adalah aplikasi yang mudah untuk digunakan yang memungkinkan Anda mengedit dan mengkonversi video, audio, dan gambar animasi. Total Video Converter ini adalah video converter terbaik perangkat lunak untuk mengkonversi antara HD video: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AVCHD (*. m2ts, *. MTs), MKV, WMV HD, MPEG2/MPEG-4 TS HD. Hal ini dapat mengkonversi video dari HD ke SD, mengkonversi berbagai format video umum: AVI, MPEG-4, WMV, DivX, H.264/AVC, dan mengekstrak audio dari video dan gambar. Bahkan membuat video dari gambar lebih lanjut dengan fleksibel penggabungan / kliping / pengeditan / fitur membelah.
High-Definition (HD) video encoding dan decoding seperti AVCHD ke AVI memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang menakjubkan (High-Definition video) untuk pemutar video HD. ImTOO Video Converter dapat mengubah file video / musik yang akan dimainkan di iPad, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, ponsel Google Android, PSP, PS3, NDS, Wii, telepon BlackBerry, iRiver, Creative Zen dan perangkat multimedia lainnya.
- Newly support iPad and Google Android phones: Nexus One, HTC Hero, HTC G2 Magic, HTC Tattoo, Motorola Droid, Motorola CLIQ, Samsung i7500
- Allows you to transfer the converted files to iPod, iPhone or PSP directly after conversion.
- Supports multi-core CPU processing to perform tasks with the highest speed possible; core number can be customized accordingly.
- Add multiple audio tracks and subtitle files (ASS, SSA and SRT) to enrich your videos.
- Crop the image frame of your video to retain what you want.
- Adjust the brightness/saturation/contrast of your videos, and add artistic effects like "Old Film", "Gray", "Line Drawing", etc.
- Insert video/picture/text watermarks to your videos to mark them as your own.
- Preview a video with different effects applied or compare the original video with the edited version in real-time.
- Comes with optimized conversion profiles classified by device type so you can easily find the most suitable conversion solution for your device.
- Split a large file into several smaller ones according to split duration or size.
- Set different output formats for the same file and converted it into various formats in one go.
- Specify the output file size and calculate the corresponding bit rate in an instant with the built-in Bitrate Calculator.
- Offers a range of adjustable parameters: video, audio, picture, tag and expert.
- Convert multiple files simultaneously with multithreading and batch processing.
- Run the application in the background to free up CPU resources for running other applications.
- Preset a post conversion action and the application will automatically perform the desired action after completing a task: shut down, hibernation, stand by; exit application
- Rename files in batches; view file properties; automatic software update checking; multiple language interfaces and skins to choose from.
What's new:
- Supports 3D video conversion.
- Supports multithreading process.
- Optimized the profile parameters of GPU acceleration.
- Supports profile parameters: Main, Baseline and High.
- Supports preset parameters: Ultrafast, Superfast, Veryfast, Faster, Fast, Medium, Slow, Slower.
- Supports GPU acceleration when output to MKV format.
- Supports adding multiple tracks into a single file when output to MKV format.
Cara ampuh agar link Adfly tidak diblokir Mediafire
Cara ampuh agar link Adfly tidak diblokir Mediafire :
4.Kemudian Paste link tadi yang sudah di Copy ke kotak(Lihat gambar dibawah) dan klik "Shrink".
iCare Format Recovery Full Version Keygen/ Patch
- Hardware RAID and Dynamic Disk Support
- Preview recoverable files before purchasing the product.
- Special developed search algorithm to perform format recovery.
- Works under Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000 Pro; Windows Server NT, 2000, 2003 Server, 2008 Server.
- Supported file systems: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, NTFS5.
- Supported hidden file systems: Hidden FAT12, Hidden FAT16, Hidden FAT32, Hidden NTFS
- Recovers compressed files (NTFS, NTFS5).
- Recovers encrypted files (NTFS5).
- Several ways to recover lost files.
- Correctly recovers files deleted in Windows NT, 2000, XP (FAT32)
- iCare Format Recovery is able to recover:
- Files and Folders deleted from formatted partition like D, H, E, C.
- Common folders such as My Documents, My Pictures and other.
- Photos deleted from formatted digital cameras.
- Files and folders deleted from the command line.
- Files after virus or worm attack.
- Damaged disks (disks with bad sectors).
- From various storage media including:
- Hard Drives
- Digital cameras
- Floppy disks
- Zip Disks
- Jaz Disks
- Drive images (FAT/NTFS)
- Sony Memory Sticks
- Compact Flash cards
- Smart Media Cards
- Secure Digital Cards
- Any USB disks
Download/Install virtual desktop Windows XP dan Windows 7
Tidak seperti utility virtual desktop lain yang menerapkan desktop mereka dengan menampilkan jendela yang aktif pada desktop dan menyembunyikan sisanya, Sysinternals Desktops menggunakan objek desktop Windows untuk masing-masing desktop . Jendela aplikasi terikat ke objek desktop ketika mereka dibuat, sehingga Windows mempertahankan hubungan antara jendela dan desktop dan windows tahu mana yang akan ditampilkan bila anda mengaktifkan desktop. Hal tersebut membuat Sysinternals Desktops sangat ringan dan bebas dari bug yang terkadang pada software lain jendela aktif menjadi tidak konsisten dengan jendela terlihat pada preview virtual desktop.
Ketergantungan Desktops pada objek desktop Windows berarti bahwa ia tidak dapat memberikan beberapa fungsi lain dari utility virtual desktop, namun sebagai contoh, Windows tidak menyediakan cara untuk memindahkan jendela dari satu objek desktop untuk yang lain, dan karena proses Windows Explorer yang terpisah harus dijalankan pada setiap desktop untuk menyediakan taskbar dan start menu. Selanjutnya, tidak ada antar muka (interface) untuk menghapus objek desktop, sehingga Aplikasi Virtual Desktops tidak menyediakan cara untuk menutup desktop. Cara yang disarankan untuk menonaktifkan aplikasi Virtual Desktops adalah dengan logoff windows.Atau menggunakan cara kedua yaitu menggunakan Windows Task manager. (klik kanan di Taskbar kemudian pilih Task Manager , selanjutnya di jendela windows taks manager sorot Desktop kemudian klik tombol End task
Untuk mengaktifkan virtual desktop, di windows Explorer double klik aplikasi Desktop
2. Secara otomatis akan muncul ikon virtual desktop di taskbar, klik icon virtual desktops tersebut selanjutnya klik salah satu jendela preview virtual desktop, buka browser internet
Selanjutnya klik pada jendela preview kedua, buka aplikasi kalkulator
Selanjutnya klik pada jendela ketiga buka aplikasi game
Anda bisa berpindah window secara simultan
Salahsatu kelemahan aplikasi di atas tidak ada tombol perintah untuk menutup aplikasi
Untuk menutup aplikasi Virtual Desktop , klik kanan di taskbar, pilih Desktop.exe
Klik tombol End Process
Jika ingin mengaktifkan Virtual Desktop secara otomatis saat membuka windows
Klik kanan icon virtual desktop yang ada di taskbar
Pilih Options
Centang Run automatically at Logon
Klik OK
Untuk mengunduh aplikasi di atas bisa gunakan link berikut virtual desktop
avast internet security 7 dengan License | Avast 2012 Full Version
Sudah tes dan license 100% masih bisa di gunakan. Semoga saja license bisa lama digunakan sesuai dengan batas masa aktif nya yaitu 16-12-2012.
Avast Internet Security 7.0.1407 ini mampu membersihkan virus, worm, trojan, dan malware pada komputer baik offline maupun online.
Windows XP7 Lite 2012 + SATA
- Internet Explorer 8
- Java 6 Update 17
- Winrar Kristal
- SATA driver
- Semua DriverPack (Lan, VGA ... dll)
- 400 HD Wallpaper
- 35 Tema
- Download | Windows XP7 Lite 2012 + SATA Full ISO - (1.48 GB)