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Many people consider classical music more fun. Recent evidence suggests, the music to the ears seem complex but can be easily described by the brain and rated the most fun.
The results of a recent study published in BioMed Central's independent journal, BMC Research Notes, shows, most people appreciate the work of music that contains certain specific patterns that sounds complicated but is actually easy to be simplified and kept the brain.
According to the authors of the study as well as biologists Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Nicholas Hudson, "information compression" is similar to the way music compression software to reduce the size of audio files.
This is done through the identification of patterns and delete data which are unnecessary and redundant.Hudson uses music compression program in order to mimic the way the brain condense audio information in order to analyze a sample song that used a team of researchers in the 2009 study when 26 subjects to measure ways to enjoy the various genres of music.
Music including classical music, jazz, pop, folk, Eng, rock, punk, techno and tango. Samples findings compression Hudson, pop song 'I Should Be So Lucky "from Kylie Minogue can only be compressed to 69.5% of its original file size.
On the techno song "Theme from Bubbleman 'from Andy Van can be compressed to 68.5% and the song" White Wedding "from Billy Idol to be compressed to 57.5% as well as Beethoven's 3rd Symphony can be compressed up to 40.6% of its original file size.
After comparing the level of compression with the study results enjoyment in 2009, Hudson found that songs with the highest compression level rated as the most fun song.
Hudson theorizes, high compressibility cause pleasure because music contains sophisticated patterns that can not easily apparent to the ear rather than in a simple pop song interesting. Therefore, the brain has to work a little harder to break the code.
However, why the brain gets more enjoyment from a song that makes it work harder in compressing the music information? The answer lies in the way his muscles tense mind. "This is the inevitable law of nature," he explained.
The simplest song will will continue to 'scale up' and it quickly becomes irritating rather than stimulating, up the Hudson. "This also applies to many things, like a puzzle that we enjoy, a sport that we like, and stimulate our careers."
Music files from random white noise can only be compressed to 86%. According to the study, it is this which causes it impossible for the brain compresses substantially. As the sound files that are 'too easy' compressed sound 'too difficult' to compress also rank high in the triggering of indifference and boredom.
"If it sounds simple or too complex for the ear to the brain, then there is no 'progress compression' that may occur. While the progress of compression is what helped cause a sense of pleasure derived from a sound understanding of it, "said Hudson.
So what makes certain songs and melodies such as Beethoven's 3rd Symphony is more 'timeless' and universally enjoyable than others not only because of the perceived beauty as well as the level of compression. "I believe this theory applies equally to all genres of music. However, classical music has demonstrated compression quality more broadly based on my initial analysis, "concludes Hudson.
Source : http://www.autoblogsaya.com
Source: http://youclever.blogspot.com/2011/12/why-humans-enjoy-music_31.html
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