Monday, December 26, 2011

3 Impact of Stress For Your Life

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Living in modern times makes you will not be separated from the stress. At some level, stress can indeed be a positive influence on you. However, if too excessive, the impact will be negative. Not only your soul is always depressed, the body also suffer because of it. Know the negative effects of stress on the body and how to overcome them:

1. Stress makes weight loss easy ride
When stressed, your body releases the hormone cortisol, which will provide a quick energy boost to give a response of fight or even avoided. But if you always suffered stress in a long time, cortisol will continually released, and this will lead to weight loss easy ride. According to a study published in the journal Obesity, the hormone cortisol can make the fat tends to be stored in the abdominal area. In addition, you also become more frequent snacking. Both can reduce the rate of metabolism and also increases blood sugar levels.

"For that, you need to know clearly, what are the major stressors in your life," says nutritionist Charlene Giovanelli-Nicolson. Afterward, try to have some sort of food diary to record what you eat so the conditions are disturbed by emotional stress.

2. Stress lowers fertility
The study, conducted by Emory University found that women with high cortisol levels can have problems in ovulation, so the ability to get pregnant so disturbed. In addition, excessive stress can also have negative effects on women who are pregnant. As a solution, the researchers suggest to do talk therapy. Because, by talking with others, a woman can relieve stress, so his chances of becoming pregnant will automatically increase.

3. Stress blunt sex drive
Adviser about sex and romance, Elna Rudolph stated, when women are stressed, they will only think about how to go through all of this safely. Few had thought that up to vent through fun activities, one of them having sex.

"Cortisol is actually helpful, but if you get it occasionally. Meanwhile, if persistent, the overall condition of your hormones become unbalanced," said Rudolph. This hormone imbalance will also affect on your libido. "If sex has become the last priority in your mind, it means that the brain takes time to recall how much fun this activity," said Rudolph.

For that, try to multiply the time off to relax the nerves are tense, set back your life, and spend more time alone with your partner. "Soaking in warm water can help you remember back to experience the most unforgettable sex, also evokes the imagination to plan the next event to make love. Without your awareness, sexual activity can be one of the most natural way to relieve stress!" Rudolph added.

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