Premature ejaculation or "junior" too fast "finished" second only to erectile dysfunction as a sexual disorder that most often experienced by men. Sexual problems are also worried about the men for fear of not practically invincible.
A man called premature ejaculation (ED) if he had ejaculated less than two minutes. According dr.Andi Riyanto, Sp.RM, from RS. Pantiwilasa Citarum, Semarang, in normal conditions, a person is usually capable of ejaculation and penetration for 5-10 minutes.
Premature ejaculation is divided into two types, primary and secondary. "The primary ED occurs when from the beginning he had sex can not control his ejaculations," he said. While the secondary ED occurs when the person was once able to control ejaculation for some time but it can not control it for a reason.
One effective way to overcome premature ejaculation is to do a sex therapist. "This is an exercise to control ejaculation is done with the help of his wife," he explained. Basically, sex therapy involves two techniques, namely the start and stop technique, as well as the squeeze technique (suppression), the wife hit the base or tip of the penis at the time her husband was going to ejaculate.
There are several steps that can be selected couples for sex therapy.
1. Husband and wife lying on her back masturbating with his hands. When my husband to ejaculate, wife push the penis (at the base or tip) to inhibit ejaculation for 5-10 seconds or until flavors want to ejaculate subsides.
2. With the woman on top, husband to penetrate into the vagina. But the husband should not be doing any movement. If was going to ejaculate, immediately pull the penis out and the wife made an emphasis on the penis. Do it several times.
3. Same as step two, but the husband may do a bit of movement. When going to ejaculate, immediately pull the penis out and the wife made an emphasis to maintain an erection.
4. When her husband have started to control ejaculation, couples can have sex with a sideways position (front or rear). Once her husband was going to ejaculate, try to stop and wife suppression techniques. Then repeated again.
According dr.Andi, sex therapy should be done repeatedly, at least for six months. This therapy also requires commitment from both sides. "Reluctance and lazy practice are reasons of failure of this therapy," he explained. To support the sex therapy, ED sufferers are advised to perform Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles. The trick is to contract the pelvic muscles, such as when to hold pee. Do at least 10 times every day, automatically you will get used to delay ejaculation.
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