Thursday, December 29, 2011

First kiss Remember More Than Sex

Jika Teman-Teman Tidak Keberatan Tolong Di Like Pages Facebook Saya Ya Terima Kasih Sebelumnya

Where and who the person who receives a kiss my friend for the first time? Perhaps the incident that took place after school or during the event he drove my friend home.

A recent study found that romantic event was more likely to remember than when losing virginity. A scientist claims, most people can remember the details of the memory 90 percent experience a first kiss than when losing their virginity, as written by the Daily Mail.

In his study, Sheril Kirshenbaum who is also a researcher at the University of Texas, measured the magnetic currents in the brains of men and women who respond to the pictures of people kissing. He finally summarizes the art that is so complex about the kiss in a book, "The Science of Kissing: What's Our Lips Are Telling Us".

In his book, Kirshenbaum writes that men see kissing as a 'means to an end' and the possibilities for mutual 'exchange bodily fluids'.

Meanwhile, women see it as a 'meaningful action to uncover the relationship and often leads to miscommunication.'

He found, men kissing with a more aggressive, because they are trying to convey a 'bomb' testosterone to a lover who may progress to intimate relationships.

He also found that testosterone is transmitted during kissing sessions are few but can last longer in the female body. This is what can drive a woman to fall in love faster.

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